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    Hello everyone

    Hello everyone. This is my first time submitting a thread and I feel a strange mix of nervousness and excitement. I have been sneaking a look at the forums for the past few weeks and feel that everyone is so supportive and helpful to each other that perhaps this is the place for me to be to help me get rid of this bad, bad habit forever. I have been drinking excessively now for over twenty years and it has cost me jobs, relationships, family and a huge amount of heartache. I have done very bad things when on drink and it has led me to places I never want to go again. I have tried lots of ways of packing it in: AA, GP who gave me librium and told me to pull myself together, moving to a different area; all the usual things. I am hopeful for the future now.


    Hello everyone

    Hi Raoul & :welcome:

    Thus place is amazing, the people here are so supportive, and never ever judgemental, keep reading and posting, we will all help you in your journey xx


      Hello everyone

      Welcome, and you will also find many many neighbors from the UK here with very good advice!


        Hello everyone

        Hello raoul,
        This is a great place.


          Hello everyone

          Hiya Raoul, welcome. Lovely to hear you have taken the plunge and posted. I too was a wee bitty nervous and shy at first, that doesn't last long though, no room for shyness here as you will find out. Hope you keep posting your progress and keep looking in. I don't post every day, I don't feel I need to but try to look in as often as I can in the week. You will find everything you need here, life changing stuff happens within these walls. Welcome again.

          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


            Hello everyone

            Hi Raoul,
            Posting makes everyone nervous. It's like speaking in public and then sitting down and wondering, did that come out right? At least thats how I think about it.

            This is a great place and the nicest people you will ever come across. And a suggestion for getting started. Private message someone who you feel a connection with, it could be someone just starting like you. It helps to have a more personal buddy to share with.


            Humor is just another defense against the universe!


              Hello everyone

              It is good to see you here. I know everything you said in your letter. So the only thing we can do is to support each other because we here understand each other.
              Good luck,


                Hello everyone


                A huge thanks to you all for the support, advice and friendship you have given me today.
                This is my third day alcohol free and I have not slept particularly well the last couple of nights, but tonight I think will be different: knowing I have you all behind me will, I hope, give me strength and courage.

                Thanks again,




                  Hello everyone

                  Hey Raoul, welcome.

                  It is scary at first, but not so much as time goes on. When I need a boost, I sit at the 'puter and log on here.

                  Yours Aye,


                    Hello everyone

                    Hi Raoul & Welcome!

                    No sneaky peeky! kidding...LOL...Glad you found us. Suggestion: Read the MWO book if you haven't. It illustrates ways that most of us use the program to help by means of supps/meds ie. Topa/ hypno tapes/exercise.

                    We're here, any time of day, all over the globe.
                    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                      Hello everyone

                      hi Raoul, Welcome keep coming. this place works. rudemama:welcome:


                        Hello everyone

                        Hello Raoul! Well done for 3 days AF, me too! Enjoy being here. Bella xx


                          Hello everyone

                          Thanks again

                          Thanks again everyone, Your support has been amazing!
                          Today I couldn't wait to finish work and head home to log on whereas before I couldn't wait to finish work and head home to get drunk. I am now going to head out for a walk in the countryside for a short time, come home, eat some food and log on again later.
                          It's early days, but I feel different.

                          Thanks to one and all

                          Raoul x



                            Hello everyone

                            Hi Raoul - I have been her 34 days and I am still very new at this, but you are right you will feel different this is a place of difference - keep coming back and great things happen. :welcome:
                            Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending


                              Hello everyone

                              Great Scots!
                              welcome Raoul! sleep will get better along with everything else. Download the book, and post yourself silly,

                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

