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Newbie, with some questions...

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    Newbie, with some questions...

    Hello, all. I have finally started AA. I've been living with this beast for many years. I quit for a while, then started back in a controlled way, but I've had an increasing number of bad binges over the past year or so. I was drinking a beer or two a night (and that was all for a long time) but would then increase it and add in rum on the weekends. Again, not every weekend. I see a councelor as well. I've been taking Lexapro for depression, but I think that it is caused as much as anything by the alcohol. I drank a lot this past weekend (now over 48 hours ago), but I am still feeling it pretty badly. Thank goodness my wife supports me, but she hates me right now, too. Anyone have any things to try to help me feel better right now, in the short term? I think if I can get my head straight today or tomorrow, and keep going to the AA meetings and the counselor, I can get over this, and finally make some permanent changes. I have been lurking on the MWO site for some time, and I'm seriously think of adding it to my "regimen" of protection. Any advice?

    Newbie, with some questions...

    Hi and welcome!! MWO is a great addition to AA in that it really addresses the biochemical issues behind why we drink and drink too much. The supplements are so critical in helping our brains heal. I have found the hypno CDs to be of great benefit as well. I wish you the best!!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Newbie, with some questions...

      Hi JB & :welcome:

      Keep reading and posting and take on board all the advice that these wonderful people have to offer, all the best


        Newbie, with some questions...



          Newbie, with some questions...

          Hiya, welcome. Yes today will be the first day of the rest of your life, I certainly found that to be true when I first joined. Try to read through some old posts, yes it takes hours and hours and I love it, love it, love it. Rooting for you and so is everyone else here.

          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

