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Hello - I'm Clicket

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    Hello - I'm Clicket

    Not sure where to put this, but I guess here will do...hope it's OK.

    Beer has been my nemesis. I was drinking beer everyday for, probably, the last 20 years or so. (Wow, that freaks me out to write that). Usually I was about a 12 packer/day. Sometimes a bit more...sometimes a bit less. I was always "trying" go be "good". At the beginning of this past summer I managed to cut myself down to a six pack/day and was feeling so good physically and about myself too. I felt like I was being more like a "normal" person - drinking wise. I'd lost over 20 lbs too! (beer was always what put the weight on me) I was so proud of myself!

    My world all came crashing down on the morning of July 29th. - 4 days after my 52nd. birthday. I had a stroke on the right side of my brain which affected my left arm and leg. I had been smoking like an excessive idiot - I think replacing my lessened beer consumption with tobacco abuse. I knew I had high blood pressure...but it wasn't "bell ringing" high like my mother's had been, or so I was telling myself. I have no health insurance, so couldn't afford Drs and was, sort of, managing my bp myself with home monitoring and diet. It was stage 1 hypertension on the diastolic, but sometimes worse on the systolic.

    I was, actually, extremely lucky. The stroke I suffered was relatively mild. I was sitting at my computer and felt nothing out of the ordinary except that all of a sudden my left arm seemed "disembodied" it wasn't mine. My left fingers would not behave or type properly and I couldn't make them. It terrified me. I cried because I knew what had happened. I could walk even though my left leg was a little bit non-coordinated. I carried on with my morning like nothing had happened. My wonderful partner sensed something was up and confronted me later on in the day. I told her what happened, but begged not to go to the ER. I detest hospitals...mostly the waiting. I'm no good at that.

    Two days later my blood pressure spiked again and I agreed to let her take me to the ER. I had to get help or I was going to be a lot less lucky next time. It was a total nightmare. My nerves were shot and my anxiety level was so high that I could hardly walk for all the shaking. I sat in a wheelchair and then in an ER bed for what seemed like eternity until I was seen. The Dr. chalked up my visit to "anxiety"...which I had tons of and gave me 1mg. of Ativan. I have never touched any kind of anxiety med in my life. I don't take anything. I had a CAT scan which confirmed that yes, I had had a stroke. I was admitted.

    To be continued...

    Hello - I'm Clicket

    Hi Clicket. Thanks for sharing your story. Looking forward to hearing the rest! I also worry about the effects of years smoking and drinking on blood pressure and stroke. Thank you again for sharing
    Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


      Hello - I'm Clicket

      Hi Clicket... Hope things are getting better. Keep sharing
      AF 10/21/2013...ODAT :kudos:


        Hello - I'm Clicket


        Thank you so much Broken Halo and Gettinitright

        I'm so grateful to God that my stroke injuries have healed. Computer was one of my favorite hobbies and with a non-functioning left hand it was emotional torture! I stayed away from the computer for weeks - I think, also, because the stroke happened while I was online and my head was making a very negative association between the computer and what had happened to me.

        My three day hospital stay equated with a forced detox. Because I'd admitted to a 6 pack/day habit, I was given 1mg. Ativan on the first two days. I only realize now that they were treating me as an alcoholic...I didn't think of myself as one - smh now. I thought they were giving me the Ativan for my nerves.

        I was, finally, discharged late in the afternoon on the third day. Weirdly I didn't jones for tobacco the whole time I was in the hospital, but I really wanted a beer. The day I was admitted I'd already decided to quit smoking - and I ended up managing 30 days of no smoking.

        I was sent home with a script for Amlodipine for my bp. So, I took it and was relieved to have something to control my hypertension. I savored my first beers in three days but didn't smoke.

        But it was confusing. I kept getting more and more antsy as the evening wore on and no amount of beer would calm me down. What the hell...?

        For weeks I drank excessively trying to calm my shattered nerves. 7:30am saw me pop open my first beer and I kept going all day. Still I wasn't calming down. Nights were straight out of hell - I'd crash about 10:00pm and be rudely awakened about 3:00am shaking, sweating, burning up......

        For the first few nights I'd just ride it out and by 5:00 or so the shaking, sweating and feverishness would settle down and then I'd just shiver. NEVER in my life had I gone through that kind of garbage! Eventually I resorted to just 1/2 or 1 beer in the middle of the night to get through it. What a nightmare. This is, actually, a little hard for me to write and I tear up occasiionally.

        I think a couple of things were going on. Kindling from the forced detox and also my system's reaction to the Amlodipine - which was massive anxiety. I felt so totally lost and frustrated.

        I cut my beer consumption back down to 6/day...nursed on throughout the day. I'd try to lose myself in stupid TV shows to pass time and not just gulp them down...which I wanted to do soooooo badly.

        Time went BACKWARDS each day. I totally dreaded each morning. I'd see dawn breaking through the closed blinds and tear up. My boredom was overwhelming. I had a crying meltdown every few days and still shook a lot inside. I felt like I was "broken" "broken". What had happened? Had the stroke permanently screwed me up emotionally? I always loved life so, so much. I felt like such a lucky woman because I was a very happy person and rich as a Queen because I have such a wonderful family and "enough". "Enough" was always all I've ever needed.

        ...To be continued...(hope you all don't mind)


          Hello - I'm Clicket

          Hi Clicket

          I'm so sorry to hear of your health problems. How scary for you.

          Thanks for sharing your story. What is the plan now? Have you decided to quit?
          AF since Halloween 2016

          Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


            Hello - I'm Clicket


            Wine-no - thank you so much. Answer to your question follows...

            I put up with 30 days of living in a 24/7 panic attack whilst simultaneously being in electrified jello on rough seas until I'd had enough and begged for another bp medication. Cutting way back on the beer had improved my nights (no shakes, sweats etc. but my heart would still pound from time to time). I was put on Metoprolol which didn't destroy my nerves like the Amlodipine had. Live looked rosey and I was drinking much less. I was so hopeful...

            Within about a week I had such massive gas and bloating that I was nauseated everyday and could barely choke down toast once a day. It felt like my digestive system had been paralyzed. Nothing was digesting and I seemed to have almost no paristalsis. I was ...AGAIN... miserable. Still I kept to the 6/day beer regimine. I would try to eat...feel sick for sucked. Put up with a few weeks of this new hell. I was getting physically weaker and weaker. I've lost about 30 lbs. (nice, but this is soooo not the way to do it!)


            I begged my idiotic clinic staff for help.. a different bp med.....or for something for the nausea. PLEASE!
            Eventually she prescribed a different bp med...Lisinopril. Nothing for the nausea...just a referral to a GI Dr.

            The lisinopril bp med was great for about 9 days - some mucusy diarreah - but not too bad. Then the bloating gas and nausea resumed and I broke down crying again. I begged for help again and got no where.

            Here's where the damn broke.

            Beer has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I had never EVER had troubles like I was having with beer. I guess there's always a first. So I made what to me is the ultimate sacrifice. I've given up beer...and am aiming to give up alcohol PERIOD. I'm that desperate to feel "whole" again.

            ...And so my story here starts....

   be cont'd...

            (can I be verbose...or what? Thanks for putting up with it)


              Hello - I'm Clicket

              Clicket;1568097 wrote: *snip* .. But it was confusing. I kept getting more and more antsy as the evening wore on and no amount of beer would calm me down. What the hell...?

              For weeks I drank excessively trying to calm my shattered nerves. 7:30am saw me pop open my first beer and I kept going all day. Still I wasn't calming down. Nights were straight out of hell - I'd crash about 10:00pm and be rudely awakened about 3:00am shaking, sweating, burning up......

              For the first few nights I'd just ride it out and by 5:00 or so the shaking, sweating and feverishness would settle down and then I'd just shiver. NEVER in my life had I gone through that kind of garbage! Eventually I resorted to just 1/2 or 1 beer in the middle of the night to get through it. What a nightmare. This is, actually, a little hard for me to write and I tear up occasiionally. ..*snip*

              ...To be continued...(hope you all don't mind)
              Wow Clicket ! This is so hard to read because its like looking in the mirror a month ago. (without the stroke).

              I had a reply but this is not my story .. please continue..
              Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
              AF: 9-10-2013


                Hello - I'm Clicket

                Gambler - I would love to read your reply. Please feel free to share!


                  Hello - I'm Clicket

                  I don't think moderation will work for me. I soooo wish that it would - but I think I have to be realistic with myself...for once.

                  So here's my plan I've been doing:

                  Apparently the beer does nothing but give me miserable gas. (wow - what a surprise)

                  I see that one beer has just about equal alcohol content to one standard 1.5 ounce shot of 80 proof hard liquor. Because I don't think cold turkey is the best idea for me, I've devised this plan. Feedback - suggestions always welcome. So good and I'm feeling better. Food is getting appealing again.

                  I've been mixing 1 tablespoon of vodka (which is .5 ounce) (yuck) with about 5 oz. plain water. I sip on one of these in between drinking water or something else and make one of them last 2 hours. Three of these = 1.5 ounces of 80 proof which = the alcohol content in one 12 oz. can of beer. I'm feeling pretty OK and it's keeping the "jones" at bay.

                  Yesterday I nursed nine of these little .5oz vodka mixtures through out the day which brought my total alcohol intake to 4.5oz 80 proof. That equals the alcohol content of 3 beers. Right? Doesn't seem possible, but the math does add up.

                  So good. And the best part - the gas lots better and I'm so hopeful...

                  Today I will try to lessen it by one of the little .5oz vodka mixtures and so on...

                  Fingers crossed....

                  Make any sense people?


                    Hello - I'm Clicket

                    Welcome aboard clicket!

                    Beer was my drin...........errrrrrrr poison of choice as well. Except for the stories and a few other changes....your story is pretty close to mine, and many others on here.

                    Some have luck with moderation, some dont. I think most people on this board are in the dont category. Nothing wrong with either side of the coin, but you have to pick what works for YOU.

                    We will be here for you, so pull up a seat and enjoy the ride..............:H
                    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                    DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                      Hello - I'm Clicket

                      Hi Nelz. How ya doing?

                      I wonder why it is that I, and maybe lots of us, always viewed beer as rather mild. I've been kinda shocked recently to realize that a can of beer has the equivalent of that much hard liquor (alcohol wise) in it.


                        Hello - I'm Clicket

                        Hi clicket,welcome to mwo i loved reading your story,sorry about the stroke but like you said luckily it wasnt worse,i wish you strength on getting through this journey,welcome aboard
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Hello - I'm Clicket

                          Thank you Paulywogg. It's been scary.


                            Hello - I'm Clicket

                            Woah - just watched the whole "Rain in my heart" documentary that the links are up for here on the site.

                            It was brutal and left me feeling dark inside. I think I had to see it, though. It was so sad - all these people except one are/were younger than me.

                            I could have gone there. And now, I'm scared that I may someday. Really scared. I saw myself in their sessions of sitting home drinking for hours. Sometimes getting upset. Usually sitting and "partying" as I'd call it made me feel great. It wasn't until recently that all that changed. It just made me feel like crud.

                            The whole thing disturbed me - which is probably a good thing. I wish I could "shake" what I saw. Just can't "unsee" it.


                              Hello - I'm Clicket

                              Hi Clicket and welcome. I am sorry to hear about your health problems. I am sure this has been a scary time for you. Just a thought, rather than vodka and water, maybe ginger tea would help with the nausea. But withdrawal is nothing to screw around with. Find a good doctor and get some much needed support. It sounds like you have love and support IRL, and that is so important. And now you have us. We will be with you every step of the way. Take extra good care of yourself, okay? xx
                              Everything is going to be amazing

