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Day 2

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    Day 2

    It doesn't sound like much, but I'm on day 2 AF. Even though I had trouble falling asleep last night, I woke up this morning wo/heart & head pounding & also wo/feeling guilty. I've been reading the responses to my post of yesterday. It's so helpful. In the beginning, I might have to post daily just to keep myself going.

    The reason I couldn't sleep last night was obssessing about all the negative things I've done while under the influence:
    -broke a tooth (expensive repair)
    -didn't notice the dog chewed on my hearing aid (expensive replacement)
    -blacked out or missed many nice social events (parties, weddings)
    -elevated my blood pressure to dangerous levels

    So far today I feel strong. I know the thoughts & cravings will come in time.
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Day 2

    Hello Teach - Well Done - CONGRATS!!!!!!

    Day 2 AF that is fantastic we all start somewhere and you have started with a bang.

    By the way welcome back I told you this is a great place - I also told you that I was here for 24 hours straight - read and post - and get the book, supp and apparently the CD's I dont have the CD's but the rest helps - and do the drink tracker - and set goals.
    Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending


      Day 2

      Hi yes the negative thoughts, I was being physically sick for my first two af mornings ..... It will pass ....

      Well Done for getting through yesterday ..... Keep strong....


        Day 2

        well its day 6 for me and im not feeling brill im desperate for a drink partly its habit as hubby goes out wednesdays and 7pm i sit with emmerdale and have my first drink mind you what ever night it is i have my first drink at 7pm its like losing a friend even though its a horrible friend ive just bitten my hubbys head off and feel like killing everyone. teacher the blackout thought boosted me though dont want those back


          Day 2

          I found that my cravings were miraculously dealt with by taking kudzu. I know it doesn't work as well for everyone, but it is a true magic pill for me. Welcome and congrats everyone -- isn't lack of guilt the best??
          Mama T.
          Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007


            Day 2

            Good for you

            Way to go retteacher. We all had a lot of expenses due to drinking. Both monetary as well as emotional. You're off to a great start coming here. Each morning you'll feel better and better, and wonder why you ever drank at all. It's probably a great idea to stop in as much as you can at first, but don't feel any pressure to. That is the nice thing about this place. We all can't find time to be here constantly, but when you do stop by, people will be around for support. However, it really does help to stop by even if you feel you have this thing beat. I know first hand that you can get complacent, and it gets easy to forget why you quit in the first place. I'm very happy you are taking this step. Congratulations. Give yourself a hand. :wd:
            where does this go?


              Day 2

              WAY TO GO! Keep at it and you will succeed.


                Day 2

                Well done Retteacher!!

                I'm on day 4 and although I'm missing it I really feel more positive about things now because this place and all the lovely new friends I've made are taking my mind off things and making it easier.


                  Day 2

                  Post daily....I about hourly...minutely (not a word, I know) We're here...some of us NEVER leave these days.


                    Day 2

                    Thank you so much. It's later on day 2 & have some nice plans for the evening: taking my puppy to obedience class. This is the first time I've been completely honest about my drinking other than w/myself. It feels good.
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      Day 2

                      Hi Retteacher,

                      Congratulations on day 2 and I hope you wake tomorrow filled with energy and determination. I haven't slept well these last few nights but I've had a nice warm bath and a nice warm drink (how different from just a few days ago!) and I hope I sleep well tonight.



                        Day 2

                        Im on day 2 also.I'm pretty tired but feeling hopeful this time around.I ordered the kudzu yesterday.I usually drink fri. but am so tired of it.Good luck to us. Bird

