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Life is about choices !

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    Life is about choices !

    What a better ways to witness this :

    Here I am sitting in airline lounge drinking my poison.
    feeling FAT, drunk, and not in control...
    a silver frequent flyer and workaholic ..
    my son complained "Dad ! why are you travelling again ... dont go !"
    atleast he missed me ... made me happy.
    I know he missed me now
    he never missed me earlier as I was always drinking.
    just 44 days of no booze ... made me spend time with him...
    he fell in love with me when everyone found me "boring"
    and now while i leave he miss me ...

    And then I just saw a mid aged small guy came escorted by 2 lounge guys
    must be a senator status frequent flyer !
    Wow What service he is getting ...
    Slim from tip, fit, confident ... must be travelling a lot !!
    and guess what is he having ...
    tea !


    Life about choices .... I have made wrong one
    but i promise myself I will come on track...
    I will be sober ...
    Rewiring my brain ... done ...
    Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
    Rebooting ... done ...
    Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...

    Life is about choices !

    You are still here and that means your intentions are still to stop the craziness that is alcohol addiction. As you say, one day at a time. Your son's time as an impressionable child is passing fast. Make decisions you will be proud of later. Envision yourself as his mentor, confidant and role model. You are worthy of all these roles. Only you decide which to be.
    "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


      Life is about choices !

      Rahul - I'm sitting here having one hell of a struggle. Don't know what happened, but today I'm fighting like the devil. I haven't given in to that beer yet, but it sure is calling my name. Almost 4:00pm here. Not too too many hours left before bedtime....

      I'm sorry you're stuck where you are right at the moment. Hugs to you, my friend.


        Life is about choices !

        Here's a wee quote I like Rahul,

        ?Choosing to live your life by your own choice is the greatest freedom you will ever have.?

        The choice really is yours. Think about those 44 days and what you achieved with your son and make the choice, one step at a time. :l
        Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


          Life is about choices !

          Dear Broken halo,

          Replying late but you are right. I will free myself.
          Rewiring my brain ... done ...
          Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
          Rebooting ... done ...
          Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...


            Life is about choices !

            Better late than never buddy. I am very glad to see you back.
            Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe

