This is being shown on Channel 47 at 11pm tonight just seen it advertised.
No announcement yet.
999 What's your emergency?
Hi there, liw, parents struggled with drink throughout many years, so I've had my share with alcoholism.
Tell your cousin Scott, please, that I became a member of this page because of seeing him in the TV program, then finding this forum and you, and I wanted to let him know that I would like to offer help. I really really wish him well, and if there is ANYTHING I can do, I will. Scott, liw, please let me know. It's always good to have friends. Also: I got the impression that you, Scott, are possibly quite scarily similar to my own son, who is only 9, a very sensitive person (I mean that only positive). If I don't hear back: I truly wish you all the best! You can do it and you will!