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Byrdie is 1,000 Days sober !!!!!!!!!!

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    Byrdie is 1,000 Days sober !!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats and thank you Brydie!!!
    Liberated 5/11/2013


      Byrdie is 1,000 Days sober !!!!!!!!!!

      Congratulations - you rock!
      14 October 2013 was the first day of the best days of my life!


        Byrdie is 1,000 Days sober !!!!!!!!!!

        Congrats, Byrdie. You are very special here and loved. I hope you know that.
        AF April 9, 2016


          Byrdie is 1,000 Days sober !!!!!!!!!!

          Brilliant Byrdie!!! Congratulations!!!!
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            Byrdie is 1,000 Days sober !!!!!!!!!!

            Mega,mega congratulations Byrdy. :l

            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Byrdie is 1,000 Days sober !!!!!!!!!!

              Congrats dear, you are such a wonderful person and an inspiration to many
              In the immortal words of Socrates " I just drank what ? "

              AF since August 18, 2013


                Byrdie is 1,000 Days sober !!!!!!!!!!

                Congratulations Byrdie :wd:

                Just to echo what everyone else has said - you are an inspiration and we are so lucky to have you here


                  Byrdie is 1,000 Days sober !!!!!!!!!!

                  Byrdie, congratulations on your 1000 days. You are a beautiful woman with much wisdom and love for us all on here. Your words are always heartfelt and have so much meaning. You never judge, you just give and keep giving. You have been there done that and are now helping so many nesters on here.

                  I send you love and hugs and thank you so much for you help in being AF. Take care friend and I for one am so very proud of your achievement as you should be and are.

                  AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                    Byrdie is 1,000 Days sober !!!!!!!!!!

                    Byrdie, CONGRATULATIONS on this big milestone. 1000 days :applaud: WOW!
                    I am so happy for you. You're such an inspiration to us all and have helped so many. Now is time to pArTy!
                    Have a fantastic day. Big hugs xxxxxxx:l
                    AF since Halloween 2016

                    Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


                      Byrdie is 1,000 Days sober !!!!!!!!!!

                      For 1000 days and nights you've not given up "no matter what and no matter who" - Congratulations!

                      You are there in the nest for the newbies day in an day out, Byrdie, with a voice that simultaneously offers encouragement, concern,suggestions, reprimands, and most of all, love.
                      You offer hope to people when they are most fragile and scared.

                      Your belief in me gave me the courage to again believe in myself. Thank you. :h NS


                        Byrdie is 1,000 Days sober !!!!!!!!!!

                        Many many congratulations byrdie - a thousand of them, in fact! :goodjob:


                          Byrdie is 1,000 Days sober !!!!!!!!!!

                          That is just amazing! Congratulations!


                            Byrdie is 1,000 Days sober !!!!!!!!!!

                            Dear Byrdie, What an accomplishment! You are so wonderful to all of us in the Nest, with your words of wisdom, your support and humour. Thank you for your honesty, for sharing your strength, for giving so much of yourself. Big fat hugs to you!!:l


                              Byrdie is 1,000 Days sober !!!!!!!!!!

                              Holy Cow....I can barely see the screen. I am truly humbled. Thank you, Allan, for my very own thread! It really has been a continuing day minute at a time. I came here almost a year before my quit stuck. I understand what it's like to struggle, and I can tell you, it's easier to quit fighting it and accept the unacceptable.

                              I would like to thank MWO for having a site that allows people all around the world to communicate about this lonely addiction we all share. I have met people here that I will always consider my friends. My most sincere debt is owed to Lavande. I owe this woman my life. She has been and remains to this day, THE most steadfast force there is when it comes to AL. It is an easier journey in her wake. She is the first one in the nest in the morning, and the last to check in on everyone at night. Her dedication to helping others is unparalleled. She boils it down into a line or two, but they are powerful words. My sincere thanks to Lav, who picked me up out of a pile many, many days. Thank you for showing me MY WAY OUT.

                              I've learned a couple of key things in these 1000 days. I learned which voices to listen to....the voices in my head, on this site, and in my life. As we all know, if there is a point you want to make, you can FIND documentation to back it up. If you want a reason to drink, you don't have to look very far. I'd gotten to the point, where what/who I was listening to just wasn't working. I had to find a way to be free from AL.

                              I checked my ego at the door. I learn things every day about this disease, I didn't come to this site with much information, open yourself to learn all you can. With each and every bit of info I took on, the picture became ever clearer. I had to get free of AL. If a person comes onto this site thinking HE/SHE is different, you will be the lucky are prolly in for a rude awakening. We are all more similar than we are different in this battle.

                              "It gets easier." I heard this until I was sick of hearing it. Will there EVER be a time that I don't think of AL morning, noon, and night? The answer is YES! I am happy to say with complete certainty, that if you give time a chance, it will heal all the wounds! I do not LONG for the day that I could have a drink. I HATE AL. At a distance, I can finally see what this substance is capable of. Time is the key. Give time, time to work.

                              I hope that I can help the new person see that there are 2 ways to go about this: You can do it the hard way, like I did....or you can minimize the agony and get it right the first time. First timers are in the minority....that's a shame, that means I need to step up my game!! I hate to see AL win. Unfortunately the deck is stacked against us. AL is going to win every time we give it a breath of life or even a serious thought. Spare yourself from being a repeat offender! Get quit and stay quit, it's 1000 times easier than starting over! Trust me on that one.

                              I've seen many people come and go from this site. Most of the ones that leave and think they have a handle on this condition usually come back with their hat in their hand. We are swimming upstream on this lifestyle, and between the media, family and friends, the overwhelming message is...drink up! It takes ongoing support and reinforcement from like minded people. The people I know with the longest AF record are right here on this site. What do they do that others don't? They stay engaged with a support system. They read the stories of what ONE DRINK will do, they post their frustrations when they become overwhelming....they share with others who understand. Your way out may not be on this sight, it may be elsewhere, but get and keep some REAL support. I don't know how a person could ever do this alone.

                              Remove the choice of drinking from your life. It's just not an option. There are no good reasons for an Alcoholic to drink.

                              Accept that you are an Alcoholic. I fought this one hard. No labels, please! But unless and until I accepted that, AL was still on the table. I'm also not a part time AL. It isn't something I can turn on and off at will. It's a lifelong party and I got an invitation. If there is one thing I've seen on this board, it's that you can never go back again.

                              Why do I stay in the nest? I've had this question more times than I can count. I believe that paying it forward to important to staying sober. Seeing what one drink, or one night of drinking can do sure makes it crystal clear to me. I want others who come in here, many with few options, to know that beating AL CAN be done. I think that when a person receives help from a place, it's only right to give it back in return. If I have one day longer than another person, then I have something to share.

                              1001 days ago, I was at the bottom of a black pit, and dirt was coming in fast. All I knew to do was to keep fighting and climbing. In the grand scheme of things, being an Alcoholic certainly isn't the worst thing that can happen. In fact, I think it's given me a second chance at life. I appreciate everything that I have achieved and I know it can all be blown away by a poor choice. Some days it does get overwhelming, but then I remember one thing.....all you gotta do, is get thru THIS day. I can do that.

                              Thank you all!! Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Byrdie is 1,000 Days sober !!!!!!!!!!

                                Congratulations and good job Byrdie! You are a true inspiration to me, and others.

                                [moon] [guy] [shout] [two] [horse] [three] [rockon] [worthy] [spin] [allgood] [two] [dancin] [shout] [baby] [fist] [celebrate] [dancin] [rockon] [welldone] [bouncy] [applause2] [dancing] [lucky] [worthy] [llama] [shout] [horn] [three] [applause] [hyper] [dancegirl] [black] [bumpit] [sohappy] [horse] inkele: :applause2: :yay:

