Hi Daisies!
OMG Star...that was a total sign...the wine and daisies all mixed up together. It was the angel/devil scenario. I'm glad you survived it! My Walmart has recently started selling beer and it is unbelievably CHEAP...boy back in the day I would have been so excited...a 36 pack for $13.99??? Yippeeekayaye. LOL Now I just look at the display (reaching the ceiling) and roll my eyes.
I keep waking up at 3:30am to pee, then can't go back to sleep...it's getting OLD. I wonder if taking a small dose of Melatonin at that time would screw me up...better not risk in on a work day.
Okay fellow Daisies...we get to add an extra link to the chain for yesterday....now lets get another one on there.
You guys keep up the great work. Ride out those cravings. When I see all that beer at Walmart I just imagine it coming out of my pores....I think I used to smell like Bud Light...YUK!