Sounds like everyone is doing great! I'm a little grumpy, but nothing I can't handle. Planning to have a nice dinner and a bath and call it a short night. I don't have time for a proper post at the moment, but did want to log in.
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Fresh Start!!!!!
Fresh Start!!!!!
Sounds like everyone is doing great! I'm a little grumpy, but nothing I can't handle. Planning to have a nice dinner and a bath and call it a short night. I don't have time for a proper post at the moment, but did want to log in.You had the power all along, my dear.
Fresh Start!!!!!
Starfish we have 3 mutt dogs and 2 cats. Emmy Sue is a beagle mix, Annie is a pug chihuahua and Penny is a 9 month old puggle/dachshund. George is 16 all white cat and MO is orange and white stray we brought in..they all get along most of the time except the puppy thinks they are for chasing...
Fresh Start!!!!!
Good Evening Daisies, hope everyone is settling in for a comfy night at home. That bath sounds great Kailey, think I might have a bubble bath tonight as well. I feel some irritability today too, plus headaches, come on Day 5!!
Great plan on the wine event 4TK, I recently went to a club party and I was in charge of raffle tickets. Everyone kept bringing me drinks, so I'd hold it for a while, then sit it down and someone always picked my drink up and drank it, so I was golden. I was a little sad though seeing how drunk some of my friends were, funny how you notice that stuff sober, makes me want to cringe knowing that would have easily been me before.
Sorry you're still sick K9, hopefully you will recover before the weekend.. Funny about the possum, I've always worried about critters coming in our doggie door, but I think my 112 lb shepherd pretty much keeps everything out of our yard.
Dottie Belle that is some menagerie you have there. You are what my Momma would have called "tender-hearted", I would be the same if my husband weren't so mean.
Good to hear from everyone, SF, Cocoflo and SL too. Night all, off to watch a little TV and read more from the toolbox. I'm going to read ALL of it, eventually, good stuff there."A good garden may have some weeds"
Thomas Fuller
Fresh Start!!!!!
Hi - same as Kailey here, just need to check in.
Just got home - 177 mile commute today - 360 round trip, and thru snow today - so lots of time to think. Lots of heart ache with my girl, but will survive. Long drive home in dark and thought about wine almost the whole way. Resisted - but feeling deprived now - am home and safe, so won't be drinking and second week will be on the way, but so badly wanting some wine......long hard week, and another day to go....only 80mile commute tomorrow...
Good to see those posting and missing those who aren't - SS, Ishy, Daisy...where are you, hope you are all ok???
Well done to those who are getting some days racked up - good start to be ready for the weekend....“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
Fresh Start!!!!!
Scottish Lass, :l
I have sent you a p.m.
Kailey, you did great by planning a bath last night to take care of that grumpy mood! Wish I had done that instead of fuss at my husband :upset:
Hi Gardener, Dottie, 4the and K9 and everyone else who pops in today.
Let's make it a great Friday:heartbeat:
I am only one drink away from never being sober again.
Fresh Start!!!!!
Hi everyone,
I've been a little bluesy lately so haven't felt like posting much. I've been lurking and I'm happy to see this thread is staying strong and full of support!
SL, what do you do that puts you on the road so much?
Kailey, I seem to be grumpy about 5 times a day.I will say however that today I feel that happy buzz and full of gratitude that I have a good life!
Dottie, we just got 2 new kittens. I haven't had a kitten in a long time. One of them is thriving and doing pretty well, the other is kind of listless and needy. I've taken them to the vet, they seem to be ok. They just need to grow a little more. The change in diet has given them diarrhea. They're pooping around the house and they always seem to step in it. It's hard to snuggle with a stinky kitten.
I'm struggling with being honest here, last Friday I drank. It came out of the blue, my husband was cooking. The receipe called for white wine, he had to leave to pick something up from a friends so i had to take over and just like that, I drank it. I didn't think it through but in hindsight, I was hungry. I should have eaten earlier.
I must run off to work. Have a great day everyone.
Fresh Start!!!!!
Good to see you Ishy! Poor lil' stinky kitties, I hope their tummies get right soon. I closed the dog door again last night and had a couple piles of presents to pick up this was cocker spaniel sized and one was chihuahua sized. I guess they agreed on the one certain rug being their new toilet. LOL The good thing is that it IS a rug and not the will eventually get moved out of the room when I can't take it anymore.
Gardner - I'd love, love, love to have a German Shephard...I LOVE them. My landlord does not like large dogs, so I'm just thankful he lets me have 2 little crazy dogs. He is an animal lover too, so he gets my "need" for my furry friends. I think him and his wife have a dog, a cat and a rabbit...and she is always bringing home wonder I like her. LOL
Keep being honest matter what it DOES help.
Everyone hang in there :l:heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:
Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.
Fresh Start!!!!!
Ishybit we got the puppy and I had forgotten how much work they are....what was I thinking...but she is a smart little thing and she is trying to tell us when she has to go out but apparently we are not picking up on her signals..but at least we have hard surface flooring so easy to clean up.we took up all the carpet in the family room last year when our old dog had so much is wonderful..have an area rug that is easily cleaned but thankfully the booboo's are on the floor..good dogs..well sort of....;-))
Fresh Start!!!!!
Hi Daisies, quick check in today, hubby home from business trip this am, so running errands all day, movie and quiet dinner at home. Have a great weekend everyone, will check in when I get a chance."A good garden may have some weeds"
Thomas Fuller
Fresh Start!!!!!
Hi Daisies, quick check in today, hubby home from business trip this am, so running errands all day, movie and quiet dinner at home. Have a great weekend everyone, will check in when I get a chance."A good garden may have some weeds"
Thomas Fuller
Fresh Start!!!!!
Home again - little earlier today
Ishy I work with organ donors Ishy and my staff are all over Norther California/Northern Nevada - so I go to see them. Our main office is about 80 miles away, I have a new (ish) boss - before I worked from home, however his lordship decided this was not acceptable and i have to work majority of time from office - My girls are in high school and middle school, and have had enough disruption from the divorce that I chose to commute instead of move - so now you guys just have to hear me whine:upset:
So good to see you, I understand the grumpy/blue bit - that is me just now, I look forward to a happy buzz soon!
Thanks for the PM Star:l
Happy Friday night all - working hard to get rid of cravings tonight...“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
Fresh Start!!!!!
Good morning!
Organs SL !? That sounds interesting and like a lot of pressure. Sorry about the time on the road but I'm sure one day your girls will appreciate the stability you've provided them. how many livers do you deal in? Yuck,yuck, ok that was lame. I do know of a person in England who had two heart transplants and a kidney transplant. He's a walking miracle. He would not have had that kind of luck here in the U.S.
Dottie, one day will get another dog but I'm not ready for the responsibility.
K9 thanks for the support, it is a relief to keep it real and honest.
Hi kailey, sober soul, starfish, ODAT,queen, gardener, 4thekids. What's everyone doing today.? I'm sorry if I've missed anyone.
Last night my husband was drinking and it really annoyed me. He's cut back quite a bit but I know his drinking "style." He's a good man but come-on.
It's a day full of soccer for me. Truth be told, I love schlepping my kids around.
Have a great day.
Fresh Start!!!!!
Hi all: Just got back from decorating for the wine tasting/ auction tonight! What a nightmare that this has to come after 5 days AF. Set in my head to sell tix and keep losing my drink, sigh....
I really need to replay in my head where this all leads... Nowhere good!
What does everyone else have going this wknd?4the kids:l
Fresh Start!!!!!
Hi girls: made it thru the auction without drinking. Held a glass of Prosecco and did not drink it by pretending that I didn't like it. I dumped it out for a red and handed off to my husband to help with the auction. event down.
How was everyone else's weekend.4the kids:l