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Another new one

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    Another new one

    Hello everyone.
    Well I am 43,female, 3 children, work full time and live in the uk.
    Oh yes, I also drink too much.
    I have tried cutting back and have gone from drinking every evening to 3 times a week.
    However, I now want to go for a longer period, so my first goals will be to stay alcohol free until 1st November and reassess at that point.

    I've got to the point when I hate what it does to me and the impact on those who love me.

    Quite excited about the challenge, although I suspect that I won't feel this way come the weekend.

    I'll update daily and look here for inspiration.


    Another new one

    Welcome Rosie70,
    I'm in the UK too & on day 2....lost count of how many attempts I've made over the years, but this time is it. I started on Antabuse today, so I know I can't drink & for me, I think it will make all the difference. I want to stop, but my willpower has never allowed me to get far. With the AB, I don't have that option to drink anymore.
    Good luck!


      Another new one

      Hi Lisa,
      Good for you - how are you feeling?
      Hopefully we can try and keep each other sane.
      I have half a bottle of wine on the kitchen side and just about to tip it away.
      Thanks for your reply.


        Another new one

        I've tipped wine away so many times & then by 4pm I've been so mad at myself for doing that!!!! But, if it's not there, you can't drink it.


          Another new one


          Both of you.

          Hang in there. You can do this.
          AF April 9, 2016


            Another new one

            Cinders;1569092 wrote: :welcome:

            Both of you.

            Hang in there. You can do this.
            Thank you!
            Wine no longer in the house! Understand what you mean about how I may feel later though :-).


              Another new one

              New in UK too!

              I've been reading MWO for a few days now and have also read some of the Olivier Amiesen work as well. It all gives me hope that there's a way out, finally! But I'm confused: should I try baclofen or topamax? (I'm ordering the kudzu and amino acids and hypnosis CDs etc online today so should be able to start at the weekend.)

              Any thoughts on reliable sources of either for the UK? I've read one consolidated thread about meds and it looks like Gold Pharma might be a good choice but i'm nervous about ordering something without a prescription...

              Brief biog: I'm 43, mum of two girls, very responsible job, and fed up of ending up bingeing when I have 'just one'. I tried AA last year but it wasn't for me (and I'm religious but it just wasn't the right tone for me...) Have also had six months of sobriety with AVRT... But alcohol always seems to tempt me back. Had a MAJOR binge a week ago on Sunday and had to take last Monday off sick with an epic hangover. So ashamed :upset:.

              Anyway... This multi-faceted approach sounds like it's worth giving a serious go. Great to see others from the UK on here too. How are you finding it so far?


                Another new one

                I've used Gold Pharma. The meds came from Spain, but all as ordered & many can vouch for them.
                Good luck!


                  Another new one

                  We sound very alike, although you seem to be far more prepared than me.
                  I just woke up this morning and felt as though today would be the day.
                  Like you, I have a responsible job, but I've avoided having to take any booze related time off for 4 months now and have zero intention of going backwards.

                  Sorry that I can't answer your questions, but I look forward to sharing this journey with other people and hopefully we can support each other through the inevitable challeges.


                    Another new one

                    Welcome to all of you!

                    This is a great place to get to know people, share your experiences and learn from others. You truly are among friends here...we DO understand what you're going through!

                    I called in "sick" so many times due to hangovers or just overwhelming anxiety. Waking up at 3:00am every morning overcome with anxiety was literally killing me. I just couldn't do it anymore.

                    I've always appeared responsible from the outside...good job, nice house, car, etc, etc...but inside I was a mess. Blacking out every single night. Driving drunk. Waking up with mysterious bruises. Landing myself in jail (a few times). Acting stupid and embarrassing myself. Scared to look at my phone in the morning to see who and what I'd texted or emailed...the list goes on and on. Now I don't have to worry about ANY of that...and neither will you!

                    Congrats on making the decision to get your life back. You CAN do it, and we can help!

                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

