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Thank goodness for Antabuse...

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    Thank goodness for Antabuse...

    I know, I'm very impatient. I think because I've been AF for 4 whole days now that I should have lost weight, my skin would have improved & AL would be banished from my mind. You see, patience is not something I'm blessed with!
    In reality, I've probably put weight on with all the chocolate I'm eating, skin is the same & AL is forefront in my mind! Tomorrow is another step forward.


      Thank goodness for Antabuse...

      I am very impatient as well...I figure if I make the slightest effort that everything should immediately fall into place!! But darn that doesn't work! I can tell you this though, in time (yes, you must wait a bit) your skin will clear, your eyes will shine and a few pounds may fall off. But IF it doesn't happen, you're still better off sober, right? :l
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Thank goodness for Antabuse...

        I started taking AB in mid July when I was facing a two week holiday with wine present every day. It helped me get a solid two weeks AF. Now I take half a pill every 7-10 days. I recently went several weeks without taking a pill but the mind chatter was incessant and I feared I would cave. Do I wish I could overcome this addiction without AB? Yes. Am I grateful for it? ABSOLUTELY.
        Free at Last
        "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

        Highly recommend this video

        July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last

