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The elusive day 30 - where is it??

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    The elusive day 30 - where is it??

    I have been lurking a bit recently as I struggle with my thought processes. I see some of my old partners in this journey are also joining back in.
    I knew my trip home in June would be really tough, and I subconciously decided that I would drink and so it happened.
    I have done fairly well since coming back and the days that I drink are not that many - and for that I have come a really long way from where I started a couple years ago - however, I am not managing to stick to one (or two glasses) as I promise myself everytime I open the biottle - I nearly always manage to finish the whole dang thing!
    I promise myself just one glass, but you all know what happens next - I have managed to throw a lot of wine out in the last 4 months - being Scottish I hoped that the terrible waste would spur me on, but still stuck in this one place.
    So here I am again to try to get my head in the game and ready to take the next step.
    Day 4 here, and Day 13 so far for October ....
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

    The elusive day 30 - where is it??

    Welcome back Scottish Lass! It's really good to see you here again-- I used to follow you around a bit-- First of all, well done on 4 days! I know for me, and I've heard from others, it was difficult to think about "forever", or never drinking again. It sounds like you can really string some days together..It looks like your goal for now is for the end of October? What about making a real commitment to the 30 day challenge?-- joining us in the Nest and getting in the time-- then you can re-evaluate if you want to.? For me, this time I was pretty damned sure I would never drink again, but I didn't allow myself to say it in the first days because I couldn't trust myself. But after a couple of weeks, I was SURE I didn't want al to be a part of my life ever again. I'm still going ODAT, but there is more clarity and strength each and every day. Big hugs!!:l


      The elusive day 30 - where is it??

      Hi Scottish!

      Welcome back. Our journeys sound very similar. However, I really do have a committment in my mind to go AF just to get rid of the insanity of this whole problem! I'm about 2 1/2 weeks in this time. And I've thrown out lots of wine in my past as well trying to stick with that 2 drink limit! It just doesn't work ultimately. Who wants that??!

      Let's just kick this problem to the curb! :l


        The elusive day 30 - where is it??

        Hi Scottish Lass. When you say 'home' do you mean Scotland? That's where I live

        30 days will day at a time. Nice to see you back!
        Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


          The elusive day 30 - where is it??

          "home" is now England - my parents moved south. I live in California, so get to go home every couple years.
          I have had a few 30 days, and even one 60plus day, but I think it is magic number and I am cured, so stop trying and then I am back again - but since coming back I haven't even got to the 30 days. It is taking up such a lot of my life, I would be so happy to let it go but then I don't and I am right back feeling horrible again.....You are so right Mylife - teh insantity of the problem is nuts!
          Kicking to the curb works, day 4 is pretty safe, in my home, door shut - told daughters that school can wait for their supplies, no trips to store tonight - that would be a BIG mistake!
          Hi LC - good to see you again, yes, feeling pretty much the same....
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            The elusive day 30 - where is it??

            Good job Lass ... I'm tired of the insanity of this too.... Back on day 1.... And dreading weekend etc. the most I have done (besides 4 pregnancies) is 4 or 5 months several years ago and I didn't have MWO then so white knuckling it was an understatement. I love freedom from alcohol so idk how I jeep getting sucked back in


              The elusive day 30 - where is it??

              Lass, that was such a very GOOD decision to wait on the school supplies. That last trip out to the store in the afternoon/evening has derailed me a thousand times. I've just now started wandering out in the evenings if I've forgotten something-- but rarely and with making double sure my intentions are clear. If there is one iota of doubt I stay put, cosy and safe at home! Today is day 5 for you!! Have a good one.


                The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                I remember pouring all the milk down the sink one night when my daughter was living here so that I could make the excuse of running to the supermarket at 8pm. Ridiculous.

                I can, have a think about how to keep yourself busy over the weekend, it's only Thursday so you could get a good plan working by then
                Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                  The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                  Day 30 is there........its right after day 1,2, can dewww eeeeet

                  Just keep racking up those small little "victories" and it will turn into a win with the "battle"
                  Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                    The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                    SL - SO good to see you again! I know how hard this is, I really do. I never thought I'd get past the 40 day mark. I made it many times and then messed up right around that point. I guess my alkie brain thought I was cured at 40 days. The very last time I hit 40, I went into the Nest and Byrdie and Lav and many others talked me through day 40. Once I got over the hurdle it became so much easier. Take care of yourself and be selfish when you need to. Don't set yourself up for failure (like I used to).

                    BH - Pouring the milk down the drain sounds like something I would do too...

                    Stay strong Lass...we are here for you!!!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                      Morning everyone - thanks so much for the welcome back, encouragement and to old & new friends :l:l.
                      Well, I actually got some real sleep last night - and what a difference that makes - not feeling quite so pathetic today, and that makes me stronger - I Can, how will we get through the weekend? Lets do it together???
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                        Plan something away from home for both Friday and Saturday nights. Go see a late movie so that when you get home it's bed time. Go to the mall and hang out until it closes. Do whatever it takes to get through the first weekend and it will get much easier, I promise. I hung around the dog park, the library, hell...even Walmart :H

                        I know it's not easy, but it's SO worth it. YOU are worth it!
                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                          Be careful where you hang out! Ha, that kind of loses something in translation over here!! ;-)
                          Friday night for me has always been a big night (much like every night to be fair) but I think the weekends are a lot harder to keep on the straight & narrow. WE CAN DO IT!!!


                            The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                            I buy a jigsaw puzzle on Friday. A trip to the local hobby shop or walmart. Then I race to see how fast I can put it together. It seems to keep my hands and brain occupied.
                            No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


                              The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                              Day 6 and getting ready for the weekend - that is where I have fallen last few weeks, that Friday night feeling. K9 - have to stay locked inside when it gets dark :H way too easy to find somewhere to buy a drink (and the rest) if I am out and about!
                              My oldest has homecoming football game, and I don't like her walking home in dark (imagine that!!) so that will help tonight - have to stay sober to pick her up...
                              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

