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The elusive day 30 - where is it??

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    The elusive day 30 - where is it??

    Hi S.L.

    I am back too and on day 1. Sounds like you have a good plan for the evening. We can do this!!! :l



    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


      The elusive day 30 - where is it??

      Hi Starfish, seems like we have a group of returnees heading into the fold this October - hoping I can do this, it is now Fri afternoon here, heading to witching hour so having a quick check in to put my mind back where it belongs - out of the bottle!
      Happy to have company to do this!
      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


        The elusive day 30 - where is it??

        I'm here too SL safe and sound with family and about to eat an early supper and relax. I didn't sleep last night so I hope to make up for it tonight



        I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


          The elusive day 30 - where is it??

          Hey SL.... I feel great it's 11:30 pm here and in bed sober! Let's do this .... Tomorrow will be day 2 for me and if I hang in there Sunday will b great!!!! Come on guys lets do a weekend together


            The elusive day 30 - where is it??

            Haha BH pouring milk down sink sounds like me!!!!


              The elusive day 30 - where is it??

              Hi Star and Ican! Saturday morning and I feel wonderful - what a great feeling after a good nights sleep and no hangover, or no wish I could bottle this feeling for this evening!!!
              Have a great day and lets keep this going!!!:l:l
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                Hi SL...Saturday evening here and I feel wonderful too. Had a very busy day today, but stayed out of trouble. I am ready to keep this going. We can do it! Have a nice and restful evening



                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                  The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                  Hi SL. Nice to see you back. We missed you on the daily ABs thread.
                  How is your weekend going?


                    The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                    hey there SL, how's it going - I remember you from waaay back Glad to see an old friend whilst we fight the good fight! Hope all is going great with you, congrtas on your journey, sounds like you're doing just fine !! See ya soon luv x


                      The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                      Good morning all!

                      SL - hope you had a wonderful AF night. Although I've had several short relapses this summer I've basically been not drinking since the end of May - so the weekends really don't bother me anymore. I think I finally got over the feeling that "weekend = drinking". Now I just need to get to the point that issues that pop up in my life don't trigger a relapse...

                      One thing I know I've gained is the love of AF sleep! It is the most wonderful and refreshing thing. So on that note - I am off to make some early Sunday morning coffee.


                        The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                        Happy Sunday all - not working today, slept fine (with a little help) and feel GREAT this morning - not like the last couple of Sundays why I woke wondering why i keep doing this...another feeling to bottle!
                        Star - Happy Sunday to you - ready for another week?? I think I am
                        TT - not ready to show my face in that thread yet, had to get some more time under my belt - fett like a bit of a flake. I have to admit to snopping a bit and checking on the great folks there
                        Noodle!!! Hi!!:l:l Good to see you as well, yes, I think I am doing good.....
                        mylife - I do feel good....I have also reached the point where snce June I am rarely drinking and I am proud of where I am in this journey - however, I want more - I still drink more than I would like when I do open a bottle. I would like to be able to have one or two glasses now or then, but I go for the majority of the bottle, so looking to have a good AF stretch and then work out what I want.
                        So week one, done and dusted - week two starting off feeling very nice.
                        Off to the pumpkin patch....Have a lovely day everyone...:l:l
                        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                          The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                          Week 2 on the - of course my brain is saying "how long can this last?" instead of "we are on the way to forever!"...
                          Feeling little low today after a good weekend, maybe just Monday blues? Will stick close here so it doesn't get me down too much...
                          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                            The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                            I'm with you, S.L....we are on the way to forever, but taking it one day at a time- right? All we gotta do is get through THIS DAY! Let's do it



                            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                              The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                              Good on you Star and SL. It's a slow business but you are kicking the AL. away.


                                The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                                Blues still here - little weepy today, keep waiting for bad news - but none yet. Would love to drown my sorrows, but hanging on...
                                Getting thru this day Star - agreed, lets do it!!!
                                Hoping for a better mood tomorrow, it is easier when feeling happy for sure....
                                Thanks for cheering us on TT - the encouragement is so helpful - sign on here and look for a little ray of sunshine and tehre it is..
                                I Can, noodle - how are you guys doing???
                                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

