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The elusive day 30 - where is it??

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    The elusive day 30 - where is it??

    SL - don't drown - in any way shape or form and esp not in AL. Of course you are weepy - its a big companion/lover/friend/confidant you are saying goodbye to. But its an evil sneaky one at that and its not fun to play with. You know how much it hurts you.

    Feeling weepy/down/sad - is part of being human - and being AF does not stop me from having those feelings. But like you today - I can't 'drown' them anymore. I can't always deal with them either. Talking often helps - getting it out in some way. Physical activity is a goodie. So is sleep (if thats possible), distraction - and esp hugs from your girls. Sadness passes in time but it will always be there.
    Plus you can always blame your Scots genes - I do - (all that dourness and mist ). I bet Mick would say that!
    Actually dont blame your genes - try to accept your moods and if its really bad and won't go away then consider seeing a doctor or a counsellor.
    Sending you a great big hug
    Keep posting - and it is great to have you back.


      The elusive day 30 - where is it??

      Thanks, for the encouragement, Ttops- great advice and much appreciated.:thanks:

      Hi SL! Hope you are feeling better today:l

      Do you have a reason to anticipate this bad news, or do you just have a general feeling of anxiety? I am very guilty of projecting into the future and thinking the worst will happen rather than focusing on the present moment and counting the blessings I already have. I am working hard to do the latter, but I definitely understand how difficult it is, especially when life's problems seem to overwhelm.

      What we need to remember, SL is that there is NO SITUATION whatsoever that will be made better by our drinking. The AL actually makes it all much worse. We (at least I) need very much to come up with alternative coping mechanisms....the drink does NOT work for us! Kapeesh???

      :h Star



      I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


        The elusive day 30 - where is it??

        Hi - back today and still feeling weepy. Star, no reason for it - I tend to over think things, and worry about the worst that could happen instead of enjoying the possibilty of teh good. Someone mentioned that it is just emotion showing thru without the numbing effect of the beast - but i hope it goes soon, I was looking forward to being happy!!! Day 10 today which should be reason enough to wake up happy shouldn't it!!
        Thansk for the hugs Star and TT, and for being there...
        Star, I see you are in Southern US - are you about 2 hrs ahead of me? TT is way ahead of us :H
        Will probably check in later tonight...:l
        “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


          The elusive day 30 - where is it??

          S.L. I do the same thing about overthinking and projecting the worst. Anxiety was a big part of what did me in last time and I must work hard to change my ways immediately. Each time I catch myself worrying now, I am consciously trying to start making a list of things I am grateful for...this is supposed to help. Let's give it a try



          I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


            The elusive day 30 - where is it??

            Star - found this on my facebook page today - it works doesn't it!!
            might use for my profile pic for a while...
            PS - not sure how to post photos - hope this works??
            How are you doing today?? Attached files [img]/converted_files/2205098=7646-attachment.jpg[/img]
            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


              The elusive day 30 - where is it??

              I can see it, SL, thanks! I needed a little encouragement just now, so hopped on the site during lunch. Thanks for being here. Hope your day is awesome!



              I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                Hope you guys esp Star and SL are hanging in there.
                SL - I am what they call a 'worry wart' - always thing the worst will happen. I am indeed a pessimist.
                The plus side is that you can be prepared for things to not always work out and you can be pleasantly surprised when its not as bad as you thought it would be.

                I think its important to nurture yourself - even in small ways - and to find simple things that make you smile or give you light relief.
                And humor. Laugh. Its so good. Even black humor. Even Mick's humour (Mick thats a bloody joke!!) :H:H

                Also you are in the early days of recovery and your emotions are fragile wee things.


                  The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                  Continuing to hang in...
                  Feeling different this go around. Was weepy and really blue for a couple days, now totally exhausted.
                  Last time I put my heart and soul into stopping, I was fighting every minute of the way and it was a battle - I had to make a concious effort to drive my car in a different direction, put wine back on store shelves, make myself go home. This time I just feel no battle but such different emotions. Maybe it is because my consumption is so much less leading up to this??? Not sure, but I have to say I am not a happy camper, and not feeling the joy of succeeding. Will keep going, but this is so hard just feeling blah!
                  Is this normal???
                  “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                    The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                    Hi S.L. my last quit was way different from the one before that and this one is different also. Maybe each time you quit it is different
                    My last quit lasted for 8 months (October 12 thru May 2013). After the first couple months, I felt just like you did- fighting every step of the was so strange. Many things led to my relapse, but one of them was that I just got tired of the fight. I won't let that happen again. It is too difficult to get back on board and I can't afford to keep going on like I was.
                    I am so sorry you are feeling blue :l, but I can understand it. As I mentioned earlier, I am trying to make a conscious effort to focus on the positive as much as possible...I know this is much easier said than done, but I don't know what else to do...
                    I just want you to know that I remember how hard you fought during your last quit and you were a big inspiration to me then, as now, and I will help you in any way I can.
                    :h Star



                    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                      The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                      Posted this 10/16 - and here on 12/13 I found it - took a few false starts, but with the help, prodding and encouragement of special friends here on MWO, the 30 day mark has been found....
                      I kept this thread in my box to keep reminding me of what I needed to find, and lo & behold, I found it.....
                      Thanks to each and everyone who has given me something to help me on my journey...way to many to count or to acknowledge one by one - you know who you are....
                      :l:thanks::l :l:thanks::l
                      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                        The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                        Well done Scottish lass. Keep it going. :l

                        G bloke.

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                          :cheering:Good for you SL. You're doing so well! Stay strong! :h
                          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                            The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                            Thanks j-vo and G, both of you have leading roles in my path so far - you are both quiet, constant support & encouragement and it is deeply appreciated....j-vo, I have "met" you more recently and appreciate your upbeat, personal encouragement - and G you have been a constant over the last couple years, you show that falling is not the end of the world, and persistence pays off - always with a touch of humor and a gentle reminder of what we need to do?:l:l
                            “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                              The elusive day 30 - where is it??

                              Great work, SL. I am glad you made your 30 and are taking it ODAT. Stay strong - I know this time of year is hard for us all. Thanks for your support of me on my journey as well. I am glad to have a fellow Californian in the mix.

