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Splenda... Who Knew?

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    Splenda... Who Knew?

    Try honey as well, your body uses it differently from refined sugar, and you use it for sustained energy not just a quick jolt then a low period. You can sweeten just about anything wth honey. I am a big believer in eating anything you want, but just look at it differenlty, when you eat something, ask yourself if your body can use it, and only eat things you can validate eating that way. Honey as a sweetener can give you sustained energy without all refined sugars, or turning to splenda. I use splenda as well, but only in very small amounts and not all the time. Diet soda;s have been proven to spark your appetite...not a good thing on a diet. People spend so much time focusing on what they can;t have, i think everyone should focus on what they can. I agree that is way too much sucralose.

    Have you tried regular yogurt. You will be surprised, it is not that high in calories if you read the label. Try the "la creme" yougurt, it is very good, and it only has about 140 calories, and at the end of the day it is all about your calorie yogurt, low sugar, or no sugar, still has about 80-90 calories depending on the brand, so you are barely adding any calories, the taste is a heck of a lot better!!!

    Try adding a lemon wedge or a lime wedge to your water. I am not a fan of the water flavoring packets, so I just get stuck with plain old water, but a lemon or lime wedge will perk it up a bit, hope that helps.

    Stay healthy!!

    It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
    James Gordon, M.D.


      Splenda... Who Knew?

      Luckily all is drink is water if I'm not drinking wine- :H

      I'll have the occasional Coke but never diet YUCK.
      Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


        Splenda... Who Knew? soda (and synthetic sweeteners) are poison and highly addictive! how many people do you know that suck down cases of diet soda per week? tons! I used to be addicted to diet 7up years ago. credible European studies have shown how harmful it is, but in the US it's the money/power that wins and the chemical companies have very strong lobbies in Washington so you can be that you won't hear much on the subject here.
        Get your sweet tooth satisfied with an occasional piece of fruit (natures desert) and look out for all the forms of simple starches in the modern American diet...yuck! Even "good" bread is a heavily processed product stripped of the hulls and nutrients that the grain originally had to offer. Just look at the list of ingredients of so-called whole wheat bread and you'll see at the top of the list regular flour! very misleading. Anyway natural is the best...Jack Lalane is living proof. Southbell, bravo on gardening! I'm trying
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)

