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I'm new so here is MY STORY

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    I'm new so here is MY STORY


    Almost 2 days ago I FINALLY put my hand up and said "I think that I have a drinking problem and I don't like it anymore", my husband almost jumped for joy.

    I grew up with both Mum & Dad being alcoholics, that was all I knew. Dad would down about 12 beers every night and be in bed by 7pm, whilst Mum sat up and drank herself mad on cask wine. Many nights she would abuse us kids telling us how bad we were, calling us all names under the sun, she would come screaming into our bedrooms whilst we were trying to sleep with more abuse. I will never forget the constant pain in my heart especially the next morning when tension was high thinking that my mother hated me (of course she is still drinking and would not and still won't acknowledge what she has done), how could she not see what she was doing when her 12 year old daughter tells her that she needs to go to AA, how did I even know about AA.

    Well I will be 40 this year and I was on the same track, that is what made me find this site and decide (for my 2 young girls, my husband and especially for ME) that I will not end up like my mother, I hate her for it.

    It was just a way of life for me that was all I knew when growing up, then went to work in the liquor industry and was basically miss party girl, oh I could keep up with the boys and sometimes drink more than them, year after year after year. I have done all of the things that we are not proud of.....but use to laugh them off, I've hidden, felt guilt, have shame, had blackouts (too many to count).

    I WILL NOT DO IT TO MY GIRLS, so today is day 2

    I have read lots and lots of posts and are just so thankful that I found this site.

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone.

    went to say Cheers,
    but will change to chat soon

    I'm new so here is MY STORY

    welcome, you have come to the right spot. You will find lots of love and support here...


      I'm new so here is MY STORY

      Ditto what Luvuall said! This is the place to be if you are trying to rid yourself of that constant need to drink. You can break your family's cycle and spend the rest of your life feeling much happier. Just think of how much your husband and girls will appreciate that! Buy the My Way Out book. I've read it several times! And follow the program as closely as you can. Buy the supps and the CD's and just dive right it. You can do this! Good luck!



        I'm new so here is MY STORY

        Im so sorry I dont know what to say I have the best mum in the world and I am a horibal daughter
        AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
        Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


          I'm new so here is MY STORY

          I'm sorry. My biological father was a raging alcoholic and used me against my mother, it was horrible. I will not put my daughter through that.

          You are at the right spot here. Welcome, and I hope you find what you, you will definetely find the support, compassion and warm hugs you need here to get you through.



            I'm new so here is MY STORY

            Hi Sick,
            And a huge :welcome: to you.You've found the right place to get all the help, advise and support you will need.
            Good luck.
            Victoria xxooxx


              I'm new so here is MY STORY

              Im sick of it to and sooo dont want to be like that with my girls. Im on day 7 today and I feel I get alot from this site. the very best of luck to you,at least you can be honest with yourself, sounds like your poor mother is still lost. Will be thinking of you!


                I'm new so here is MY STORY

                Sickofit, seems you've found one of the common threads among many of us - growing up in a house of alcoholics. My father was a heavy drinker who used it as an escape from what he later called an unhappy marriage. Can't tell you the amount of times I was verbally (and sometimes physically) abused while he was under the influence.

                I also swore I would never be like that, but here I am working on a drinking problem (thank God I never reached the emotional or physical abuse stage).

                Welcome to the site; you are taking a great first step in admitting that you have a problem and want to change. We'll be here for you (and hopefully you for us)!

                Take care.
                Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                  I'm new so here is MY STORY

                  Welcome sickofit - you have come to a good place - as you have already seen, there are very supportive people here and we are here to help you.
                  Over 4 months AF :h


                    I'm new so here is MY STORY

                    My girls is what finally made me want to quit. How can my kids respect me when I get drunk every night? Good luck!:welcome:


                      I'm new so here is MY STORY

                      Hello sickofit

                      Way to take the first step. It's hard to admit at first, but isn't it a relief? Anyway, I can relate to the booze behind part of your life. Just a heads up. You may need to find some new hobbies, or get back into old ones, to fill the times you used to drink. This is what I found hard after drinking for so many years, and drinking with every occasion. However, its never to late to start anything, and there are always great ideas and support on this site. Between all the members here online, there is such a plethora of knowledge in so many fields, it is really a great place to chat. Look forward to seeing you around. :goodjob:
                      where does this go?


                        I'm new so here is MY STORY

                        I have often felt so alone and ashamed of myself for drinking, but realize as I read your post and so many others that we're not alone at all. Like you, drinking has been a huge part of my life and I have two young children. I don't want them to go through the horrors of wanting alcohol above all else. Although this is my second day writing here, I am finding the encouragement to be very helpful and look forward to learning more about how to get this demon out of my life once and for all.


                          I'm new so here is MY STORY

                          Hi SOI & Welcome!

                          First suggestion, read the MWO book if you already haven't. Everyone has tweaked the program one way or another. Here you'll find a diverse bunch with so much to offer by means of knowledge & experience. Don't hesitate with any questions. We're here 24/7. Glad you found us.
                          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                            I'm new so here is MY STORY

                            Hi Sickofit, Limers, and Runnergirl:welcome:

                            Congrats on those AF days too.

                            Runnergirl, I like to run too. I didn't start until I was 38 though:H it's slowly coming along, I can finally run a mile all at once! It's so nice to go for a run when you aren't hungover too.

                            Hugs to you all:l
                            :h :h :h :h


                              I'm new so here is MY STORY

                              Thank you & I'm starting 30 days AF

                              Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement. I have ordered the book and can't wait to get into it. This site is like an angel that has been sent............

                              Last night my husband & I had dinner reservation that was booked 2 + months ago this restaurant is that busy, it is degustation only, so all day I was tossing around in my head all day to do the wines or not (the not being doing I trust myself).

                              Three days ago I would have had at least 4 drinks before leaving home and at restaurant would have polished off everything that hit the table and still wanted more when we got home.

                              Well last night I drove (which I NEVER NEVER drive) I had one sip of each of the wines that were matched with the food and passed the remainder of the glass over to my husband, all night...each glass that I kept passing made me stronger and stronger. At the end of the night I was able to speak, drive home safely, have a nice discussion with the baby sitter, slept well and woke up feeling so proud of myself. NO HANG OVER. ya hoo.

                              I don't know exactly what has happened to me but the strength I am feeling is surreal, I am so looking forward to lots of things in my life and to think that I thought I had post natal depression was just the grog.

                              I'm committing to do the 30 day challenge, starting TODAY.

                              Who wants to join me ?

