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Day 3 Newbie

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    Day 3 Newbie

    I had been reading the forum for quite some time but took me some time to actually join. I am sick and tired of the shame and guilt. Reading helps me realize that I am not alone and that there are so many of us struggling with quitting. I know it's just the beginning but I already feel better. Sleeping for 7 hours straight last night was amazing. I wish us all the power to resist and find out AF lives again.:thanks:

    Day 3 Newbie

    Hi Luckyflower and welcome :welcome:

    Like you I lurked a good while before summing up the courage to post, it is a great means of keeping yourself accountable and the folk around here are so helpful and positive

    You are certainly not alone with your struggle.

    Good job on taking your first steps to an AF life :goodjob:

    Best wishes for your journey xx


      Day 3 Newbie

      Welcome Luckyflower. Glad you have joined us. I too was a long-time lurker, but it wasn't until I started posting and really participating fully that I was able to give up AL and start healing my life. It really does get so much better. Living a life free of the shame and guilt is priceless. You are on the way and we'll be by your side.
      Everything is going to be amazing


        Day 3 Newbie

        I agree with this. Getting involved here really does help motivate you to keep going.

        Good luck by the way and here's a big warm :welcome:

        There's a lot to be said in thinking in "grateful" mode. Gratitude for having the chance to start fresh and put the past behind you.
        Last drink 6th September 2013


          Day 3 Newbie

          Thank you all. It does feel better. It's a tough day today being the weekend and all. I know I can do it. I know we all can.


            Day 3 Newbie

            Luckyflower - Weekends are tough...especially the first one. But you can do this. Just keep posting. If you feel yourself weakening, reach out and we'll be there. If you just want to chat, that's good too. Whatever you need to do to get over this first big hurdle is okay with us. I'll be hanging around most of the weekend, as will many others. Hang in there. xx
            Everything is going to be amazing


              Day 3 Newbie

              Hi and welcome Lucky

              Why not join us in the newbie's nest? Lots of folk start there, and some of us just never go away! :H

              It would be lovely to see you!
              Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                Day 3 Newbie

                Luckyflower;1570760 wrote: I had been reading the forum for quite some time but took me some time to actually join. I am sick and tired of the shame and guilt. Reading helps me realize that I am not alone and that there are so many of us struggling with quitting. I know it's just the beginning but I already feel better. Sleeping for 7 hours straight last night was amazing. I wish us all the power to resist and find out AF lives again.:thanks:
                Lucky, I ran back and got your first post on Oct 19, 2013. This was your Day 3. Already you were feeling better...It is amazing that it only takes a couple of days to get your momentum back. But you must make a decision...and it's between two things: life or death. I could sugar coat it, but that's about the jist of it. It is inevitable that you quit, you can do it under YOUR control or under AL's. So get back to the basics that we talk about here...get ALL the AL out of your space and vow to buy NO MORE of it. Surround yourself with things you love to do and eat. Keep your tummy FULL! Make this your Day 1 and by Saturday, you'll be posting another note like the one above! There are NO shortcuts to getting sober. It takes work, but I know you can do it because I have seen you in action. I know you aren't a big poster, but please glue yourself in and read and make yourself be accountable. You can do this...we believe in you.

                Lead, you know in the course of a person's day, you just take some things as a given? Well, this is my feeling towards you. You had the right mindset the very day you first landed. You write really amazing things here and are so supportive to EVERYONE. I truly admire that and I am so proud of your 30 Days. When I read your stuff, I say, YEAH, THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! I should give you more 'Hell yeah's'!!! GREAT job on your 30 days!!! On behalf of the nest, please accept this hat!!


                30 days around here is saying something. It says "I got the lead out and am taking steps to improve my life". Not only have you gotten help, but are the first to greet new people when they come onto the site. This is a big day! We are so proud of you. As you know, we like speeches as to how you did it! What is different this time? What worked and what didn't? Keep up the great work!

                Hope everyone is having an easy day today! I'm with Little Beagle, all I'm worried about is today, and I can handle that! Hugs to all! Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest

