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Day 3 success

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    Day 3 success

    I'm into day 3 & feeling great. I went to a luncheon w/some women friends. When the hostess broke out the (nice) wines, I felt very tempted. I drank diet soda instead & the feeling passed. I'm so glad, because what would have happened is:
    -I would have had 1 or 2 glasses there.
    -I would have gotten a bottle of wine on the way home for myself.
    -I would have drunk all afternoon & night & started myself on another multi-day binge.
    -I'm going to enjoy a nice dinner w/my family & not have to watch every word I say.

    By the way, all the women at the lunch today are normal drinkers. They had no more than one drink. I would have struggled to have 2. Normal drinkers drink slowly & sometimes leave wine their glasses. I can't do that.
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Day 3 success

    Well done retteacher! I've noticed how other "normal" dinkers sip away too, but unfortunately I'm not like that - I've got to drink as if I'm in the desert! Like you too in that one - two glasses is just enough to get it going and then it's on until I wake up feeling sick, guilty and worthless. I admire you! Tomorrow is friday and it will be my first real test, but I'm trying to stay upbeat and confident - going for thirty days; only 25 to go!


      Day 3 success


      retteacher, that is excellent news. You, among everybody that is here, recognizes the simplest fact of our drinking problem. We CANNOT stop at one. You faced that, and now you are on your way. It took me so many times of failing before I realized I couldn't stop at one or two. Also, don't feel envious of those people that can enjoy just 1 or 2 drinks. Alcohol is still a poison no matter the quantity you put into your system. So based on that, in time, you'll be healthier than all of them.
      where does this go?


        Day 3 success

        Control the Mind


          Day 3 success

          Thanks everybody! Your praise means a whole lot to me.
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Day 3 success

            Stay strong -- you are doing great! That's a tough environment to be in -- and you made it through! Learning how to "get through" these difficult social situations is a challenge but it does get easier with more practice. I made it through lunch today with a Pelligrino when I really wanted chianti ---but I made it! Whew! One meal at a time sometimes, not even one DAY at a time!


              Day 3 success

              That is great. Hard to pass it up when it is free!!! Good job!!
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Day 3 success

                actually teach i am sure some of my freinds think i am a "normal" drinker i hide it well


                  Day 3 success

                  Hi Teach,

                  You did really well if you were out somewhere alcohol was freely available - on day 3!!!

                  I had to seriously avoid any situation like that for a good while before I could do what you did.

                  Well done - you are well on the way!


                  "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                    Day 3 success

                    teach i am off out to lunch in a mo i will kep you at the front of my mind when refusing wine you can be my role model for today i shall chant a mantra teach can do it teach can do it. i have to go cos i havent seen my friends in ages.


                      Day 3 success

                      That's an awesome victory! Be proud! You did good! No-You did Very Good!
                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

