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    I've been absent for a couple of weeks and haven't had any luck with af nor with moderation

    Works for a couple of days and then it's back to where I left off

    I know I need to get a handle on this but don't seem to be able .....I know I'm going to head into a full blown blackout and not have any idea what went on ........I need to stop but can't
    Everyone drinks around me and I say no but come 5-6 o'clock I cave in and keep going

    Sorry but don't know what else ......counciling ...they say if I can stop for 3 days there not interested.......

    I have to put some positive thoughts and will power in my head

    Back again

    13sept;1571398 wrote: Hello
    I've been absent for a couple of weeks and haven't had any luck with af nor with moderation

    Works for a couple of days and then it's back to where I left off

    I know I need to get a handle on this but don't seem to be able .....I know I'm going to head into a full blown blackout and not have any idea what went on ........I need to stop but can't
    Everyone drinks around me and I say no but come 5-6 o'clock I cave in and keep going

    Sorry but don't know what else ......counciling ...they say if I can stop for 3 days there not interested.......

    I have to put some positive thoughts and will power in my head
    This is probably the most honest post I have read in a long time, including my own. I want to help you, but I don't feel qualified. I wish I did.
    Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


      Back again

      13Sept, it's good to see you back. Sorry you are having a tough time. It's just so hard, I know. But we are here for you. Wish I had better advice. But I hope knowing that you have friends who care helps at least a bit. xx
      Everything is going to be amazing


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        I am very new to AF and cannot tell you how easier it get's because I did not experience it myself but I know that triggers are very important to be recognized and dealt with. I think it is important to stay away from the triggers even if it means not spending as much time or at all with those around you who are drinking. I did not go out this weekend cause I knew I would drink. The temptation is too strong. Also decided to walk a new route from the bus stop since "to my luck" the liquor store is right there for me when I get off the bus. Anyway, what I am trying to say is : it's hard, truly hard but living a drunken life like I did is HARDER. I keep telling it to myself. I have to believe that I can can live my life without this poison. I think we all deserve happier lives and we all know that alcohol makes us feel exactly the opposite. Hope this helps.


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          Seeing your post reminded me so much of me. By day 4 I lose it and start all over again. I know what you mean about the people around you too. If they aren't supportive it makes it impossible to be around them. I'm here this morning starting my day 1 and i hope to make it passed that rotten day 4. Moderation just isn't for me. Good luck and keep your head up.


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            Thank you all
            I will give it another go day 1 here I come


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              Hi 13Sept.
              That happens to ALL of us...we have strong commitment first thing in the morning and by the afternoon, our resolve totally vanishes. I looked back through some of your older posts and see that you have been advised to check out the toolbox and to come up with a plan. Have you written your plan for the day yet? I think that's the best place to begin. Make a foolproof plan, anticipating your triggers and itemizing how you can overcome each one. You can do it, 13Sept. You just have to make it top priority



              I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


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                13 the sep welcome back. I am in a similar situation I was sober for good several weeks but started drinking and bam ... One one on and was where I started. I just completed my first day AF free and I will be with you on this journey.

                Gather strength dont look into past or dwell in future.
                Just stay focused on present and continue.
                Rewiring my brain ... done ...
                Updating brain "attitude" firmware ... done ...
                Rebooting ... done ...
                Restarted program called "Life" ... started successfully ...

