Aetna Casuality, an insurance company for whom such statistics are critical, states that chronic alcoholism reduces general life expectancy by 15 years so that means in the United States we can expect to live on the average to the age of 66 for women and 61 for men
That's 15 less years you'll spend with you children, your spouse, your grandchildren and your friends
Alcohol drains your savings which means you will have left your husband/wife, children and grandchildren far less that had you not been drinking
Children of alcoholics are far more likely to be alcholics than children of nonalcohics. Thats a legacy that no parent should ever want for thier children
Alcohol robs an alcoholic of thier productivity and creativity. Our own legacy is likely to be defined by our alcohol use and not of those things we created or built. alcohlics take far more than they give. Heck of a way to be thought of after we are dead.
Alcoholics dont just hurt themselves, the longer you drink the greater the chance that you will have hurt someone in a car accident or personal accident
Alcohol damages the body long before it kills us. Heart disease, stroke, diabetes, liver disease, pancreatis and dementia are far greater for alcholics than non drinkers. Our families have a far greater chance to get to live with a sick and dying mother, father spouse.
The list goes on.! I'm not being dramatic this is our reality.
I'd love to hear what others think