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I'm in big trouble.

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    I'm in big trouble.

    MossRose how sad to hear your news. Stick close to your friend, I'm sure she'll need your strength. You're right we're lucky to have the chance now to change our lives.
    Newbies Nest
    My accountability thread


      I'm in big trouble.

      MR I'm so sorry to hear of your sons friends death- I'm glad you are back on target though. I wanted to ay that the MWO support if MR in this thread is one of the most beautiful things I've ever "seen"


        I'm in big trouble.

        MR - Today is a new day. I know that may sound lame...but it couldn't be more true. I really believe that each day is a gift and we must embrace it as best we can. I am sad to hear about your son's friend. All we can do is try to be a beacon of hope. You have helped me with so many of your posts. And your honesty helps me a lot. Any one of matter how strong is not immune to that first drink. I have no real advice to give...I am a mere fledgling here. But I can tell you to stick close. Everyone of us has the right to post here whenever and however we feel. The good and supportive people will help anyway they can.

        What's your plan of attack? How are you going to kick alcohol in the ass!!! A nice hard ass kicking is what it deserves!!! Nothing less!

        I agree with Ican, regardless of our physical locations, I feel so very blessed to have this forum to turn to. Together we can and WILL do this!! Hugs to you!!


          I'm in big trouble.

          Hi Mossy!
          Just sending you a hug :l and letting you know I'm thinking of you...and of your friend during this difficult time. You're right, there's not a huge difference between heroin and alcohol. They are both a game of Russian Roulette. Someday you will find the bullet.
          So sorry my friend. Hang in there and I'm glad you're BACK!
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            I'm in big trouble.

            Hello are you doing now? I remember you helping me so much a few months ago when I slipped up badly (again)...I hope that you are feeling better. I've not managed too well since we last spoke...but am still hanging on in there. Thank you for being there for me then and I'm sorry I don't get on here often enough to have been around for you. Big love x
            ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


              I'm in big trouble.

              Hello MossRose - So very sorry to hear of your loss - another youngster's death due to addiction. Drugs or alcohol - it's all the same - takes everything and gives nothing back but sorrow and heartache. Sorry dear you and your friends are going through this. This would be a perfect time for the beast to be lurking. Please stay aware and strong.
              Hugs -:l


                I'm in big trouble.

                Moss Rose, thinking about you and your friend. What a tragic loss. Addiction is the absolute hardest thing to beat and when it takes such a young life, it's doubly tragic.

                Don't drink (you know that, eh..) and stay close.

                "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."


                  I'm in big trouble.

                  MossRose;1574720 wrote: Just talked with another friend. It was heroin. I know it's easy for everyone to think - well what did he expect? But really, what is the difference? All drugs are evil. Even the legal ones.
                  It doesn't matter what it is, it just shows that he was desperately unhappy on the inside. I hope your friend's finding more strength today. What a horrible ordeal.
                  One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


                    I'm in big trouble.

                    I haven't posted much in the past couple of days. It's been a rough time for my friends - plural because we are like family - so I have been spending quite a bit of time on the phone with them. Therefore, I haven't visited MWO much, and when I have checked in, I have been in a bad mood and decided my posts would probably be unhelpful. So if I have said anything incredibly stupid in the last day or two, forgive me.

                    But, I did want to respond to all of your wonderful posts. Ican - you are so right. The people here have come to my rescue more than once. The love I feel from the people here is awe inspiring. So, I promise not to abuse their support. I'm hanging in there, and intend to keep up the good fight.

                    Queenbug - what's going on in your world? I'm sorry to hear you aren't doing well. Maybe you could post your story, and see if we can help. At least, we can listen, right? xx

                    13June, Sake, K9, Sanchez, SS and Change - always such a pleasure to hear from you. Thank you.
                    Everything is going to be amazing


                      I'm in big trouble.

                      MR, sorry I am just seeing this. I'm so sorry for your loss.
                      AF 10/21/2013...ODAT :kudos:


                        I'm in big trouble.

                        Thinking of you MossRose x
                        ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h


                          I'm in big trouble.

                          So sorry for your loss. Losing a child is worse than any other loss one can experience. Prayers for you and friend. Stay strong.
                          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                            I'm in big trouble.

                            So sorry Moss

