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Am I strong enough?

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    Am I strong enough?

    I've been here before, last year. I stopped drinking for 4 months, following the book to the letter and with rx.Topa. But I've lost my way and spend everyday in this cycle of self hatred and drinking to escape it. If I don't stop I'm going to lose partner and most likely my children. However, the thought of life without it again terrifies me. The stuff that came back to haunt me was unbearable. I guess I'm a coward!

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not a victim, I don't suffer fools gladly, which makes it even worse!! Does that make sense? Sorry, I'm rambling.


    Am I strong enough?

    Hi there Lushliar,

    I know where you are coming from. I too suffer from bouts of self-hatred and self-doubt. I've been drinking excessively for more than twenty years now and it has cost me two marriages (not to mention lots of other relationships) and I sickened my two children so much that they have had nothing to do with me for over two years. However I have mended fences with one of my kids and now we get on fine. The other still won't speak to me though after what I put the family through. Try not to do anything that will jeopordise your family situation, but' in saying that' you have got to do this for you. I have tried on a few occasions to kick this habit, but always failed and the monster comes out worse than before. I've now done 7 days af and its been tough.

    Stick in! I wish you well



      Am I strong enough?

      Demon's ?? what Demon's ??

      Ok LL, back to work now.........Good Luck !
      Me day 121 AF
      Come on catch me up now, Im watching.......................................... ......


        Am I strong enough?

        Demon's ?? what Demon's ??

        Ok LL, back to work now.........Good Luck !
        Me day 121 AF
        Come on catch me up now, Im watching.......................................... ......


          Am I strong enough?


          See even sober I screw up, clicked something twice......heheheeheheh !!


            Am I strong enough?

            If you did it before, you can definately do it again. Find that strength, it is in there.


              Am I strong enough?

              You did it once before so you CAN do it again. You know where you went wrong so it's from there you learn from your mistake & move on. Welcome back. Never give up.
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                Am I strong enough?

                Hi LL & :welcome: back .....

                You CAN do this, be positive and remember how good it feels without a hangover xx


                  Am I strong enough?

                  I echo Seabeez... never give up.
                  :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                    Am I strong enough?

                    Hi LL - :welcome: back, and as everyone says - you can do it! - believe in yourself, keep focused on what you want and where you want to get to - you've done it before, now do it again - for you, your children and your relationship - it's not worth losing things that are so precious to this demon we've called a friend for so long.

                    Warmest wishes,
                    :rays: Arial

                    Last first day - 15th April 2012
                    Days 1-7 DONE
                    Days 8-14 DONE
                    Days 15-21 DONE
                    30 days DONE
                    60 days
                    100 days


                      Am I strong enough?

                      How do you feel good about yourself again - for me this is my first time posting.. I'm so sick of myself, it just seems too overwhelming after 18 years of losing the battle with the bottle. After this weekend, I am afraid I'll be dead next time.


                        Am I strong enough?

                        Hi Kali & :welcome:

                        I felt like you back in november last year, but with the help of this program, you CAN do this, read as much as you can, download the book ...

                        All the best, Love & Hugs, :h :l :h


                          Am I strong enough?

                          Kali and Lushliar:
                          Welcome! you can do this, yes you can beat this thing. There are many tools to help you and there are also many people who are so supportive and who will help you in this fight. It is a fight, but one worth the effort. Stay with us, put on those gloves and come out punching! We welcome you both with open arms!!!
                          Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:

