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Didn't make it

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    Didn't make it

    Didn't make it through saturday. Went to practice where they were all drinking and made it through that but went to the store after and drank 10 beers at home.Woke up at 3 A.M. with a hangover, drank some juice and took a melatonin(supposed to help you sleep) and did manage to get back to sleep, but feeling tired still. Have an easy day today since they don't sell booze on Sunday here.Hopefully my kudzu will be in tomorrow Bird
    I think my avatar may be a shmoo:H :H

    Didn't make it

    Hey Bird,
    Hang in there. Everybody loses it, then starts over. The Kudzu works great. You will be okay!
    It's a brand new day!


      Didn't make it

      Bird Kudzu and l-glut are the best. Sunday isn't called the day of rest for nothing! Take care my friend


        Didn't make it

        The kudzu does help -- just start over today. You can do this! Stay strong today.


          Didn't make it

          you can lose a few rounds, just not the whole fight....I completely understand the routine as do so many others who've been there. yes, I recall living in the GA blueridge mountains and the nearest package store was in the next county (our county was completely dry)...ha! brings back memories for sure.
          rest up, Bird-Smoo
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            Didn't make it

            Oh Bird, thanks goodness we ive in the Bible Belt. Has helped me a few times...of course, we find ways. Pick-up and start over, you can. Thank goodnes we can.


              Didn't make it

              Don't feel bad i have been drinking since Monday, had to go to hospital to straighten out so you are doing allot better than me so don't feel bad just have a good rest. We can unfortunately alcohol on Sunday here
              take care
              AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
              Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                Didn't make it

                Hey Bird, It's day seven for me and I've come so close to losing it (a few times) over the last week I could be telling the same story so I FULLY UNDERSTAND. Just sat through a very nice lunch where the 3 other people were guzzling wine (SIGH!!). I told them I was detoxing, but that didn't stop me yearning for it now and again.

                Pick your self up, get those meds and get going again.

                Sober since 30/06/10


                  Didn't make it

                  Hey bird, hang in there ...... baby steps worked for me .....

                  Yes the Kudzu is brilliant xx


                    Didn't make it

                    Join the club... but you know what? Tomorrow is a new day and you can enjoy a whole new day without the demon drink.

                    Rome wasn't built in a day.
                    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                      Didn't make it

                      I agree that the kudzu and L Glut are a great combination if you continue taking them daily. I have found that if I miss a couple days I go back to my old ways however when I keep taking them I am such a different person.
                      Keep working on it.

                      Yes, your avatar is very interesting. Very original
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        Didn't make it

                        Keep going Bird! - pick yourself up, brush yourself down, deep breath and tomorrow's another day!

                        Take care,
                        :rays: Arial

                        Last first day - 15th April 2012
                        Days 1-7 DONE
                        Days 8-14 DONE
                        Days 15-21 DONE
                        30 days DONE
                        60 days
                        100 days


                          Didn't make it

                          I am in the few-day club, too. Did well for 8 days and then slipped on Friday. Bought a bottle, had a bit. Got angry with myself & stopped. Didn't toss the bottle, but hid it. Husband came home and smelled it on me went on a witch hunt & tossed the bottle. So back to today being day two. Seems like I am starting over quite a bit.


                            Didn't make it

                            Hiya Bird, Don't be too hard on yourself. Follow Simeybear's wonderful wisdom: "Pick yourself up, dust yourself down and start all over again."



                              Didn't make it

                              I keep reading references to kudzu & L Glut. Anyone tried Campral? I have that and noticed a difference right away, but being an alcohlic if I want that drink, this does not seem to deter me. The biggest trigger (and the worst to have) is the telephone. Used to having a drink or wine in my hand or nearby when engaged in long conversations, especially with family.

