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Do I need to build up

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    Do I need to build up

    Do I stop drinking on the first day I take the topa and the supplements or do they need to build up in your system to help you reduce cravings etc. What is most people's experience.

    Do I need to build up

    What are your goals? Is your goal to stop? Then yes, stop today! For me the Topa didn't really kick in until I hit around 150mgs a day, for others it was immediate. However, the supps were pretty immediate. everyone is different. Others do this on shear willpower alone. Many will agree that reading and posting is the best medicine and that the sooner you get alcohol out of your system the better. Today is a good day for that, don't you think? I wish you all the best!!!
    Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


      Do I need to build up

      Hi aduggan,
      I second Diditforme. You need to do this at your own speed. Whatever makes it easiest for you and your mindset really. Amelia

      Sober since 30/06/10


        Do I need to build up


        I'm on day six with only 1 glass of wine and no topa only cause I can't get it yet, no luck with doc's here in Aus...... taking the vitamins, last night was a killer for me but I go through. Give it a go and GOOD LUCK.


          Do I need to build up

          Hi Adugan and welcome.
          If you can stop drinking on day one, do it. If it becomes a bit too much, then gradually cut down. Either way you'll need your personal resolve to do it. But you'll gets lots of support here if you feel it getting on top. But try to make this a the most worthwhile adventure in your mind rather than an endurance and the positive outlook will help youachieve your goal, which I assume is AF.
          Have you ordered any kudzu? I found it very good to curb cravings.

          Hi Sickofit,
          Topa is difficult to get off prescription, but have you tried campral? My doctor prescribed that for me, and between campral, kudzu and the supplements, they work very well.
          Congratulations to you!! Day six and going so well. Keep going forward!
          My wishes are with you both.


            Do I need to build up

            I think RJ recommends taking a 30 AF period when starting the program. It's my opinion that this is idea...take 30 days, get a grip, give the meds the chance to work, after that, you can be clearer about making decisions regarding moderation or abstinence..which often comes from some experimentation. I feel like, if I'm going to introduce such a powerful chemical into my whole system (mind and body) that I should give it the optimum chance to work..I can face 30 days AF better than the vagueness of moderation, especially when I'm in the grips of an addiction...give it 30 day, even 20, or even give you the best start.
            Good luck!

