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checking it out

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    checking it out

    hi all,

    i'm new here...
    and am new at restarting my sobriety...17 days so far.
    have been on campral for almost a week.
    seems to be helping quite a lot.
    am looking for a community of folks to hang with
    as i walk this walk.
    the fearless are merely
    people who act in spite
    of their fear
    are truly brave.

    --j. a. lafond-lewis

    checking it out

    Hi Fearless and :welcome:

    This is a good place to hang. Hope to see you around. 17 days is fantastic!!!


      checking it out

      thanks tawny

      i am guessing that not everyone here is on a particular program of recovery...?
      or are most on the supplements and using the cd's?
      i just stumbled upon this place.

      have been looking for a new spot to blog.
      will check that out too, here.
      the fearless are merely
      people who act in spite
      of their fear
      are truly brave.

      --j. a. lafond-lewis


        checking it out


        what I like about this place is that it allows us to take our own approach. Some people do the meds, supps, Cds - the whole kit and kaboodle. Others take aspects of RJ's programme and tweak it to suit themselves.

        Whichever way you go - I think the common goal is to stop feeling bad about how much we drink/drank.

        Nobody pushes total abstinence. Nobody says that moderation is the way to go. We all find out own place and I personally find it a nice place to be.


          checking it out

          Congratualtions Fearless.... welcome..

          I'm so glad you've decided to join our community.... ask any questions you may have and someone here will have the answers...

          Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down


            checking it out

            Welcome to MWO and congrats on 17 days thats great
            Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


              checking it out

              Hi Fearless & :welcome:

              Ditto the others there are so many of us here, doing different things, use what works for you.

              Love & Hugs :h :l :h


                checking it out

                Hi fearless and welcome! Keep posting and reading. Love Bella xxxx


                  checking it out

                  :welcome: I found this place a little over two weeks ago and found the folks here an inspiration. Welcome to this place fearless and you will find that there is tons of support. Congrats on 17 days!


                    checking it out

                    Welcome! This is the place to go to hang out with people who just want to help and support you. 17 days is great! Keep it up, come on here often, and enjoy thinking straight...


                      checking it out

                      New member

                      :new: I just wanted to start out by saying hi to everyone. I first was browsing a book shop a few months ago and found this wonderful book. Instantly, I knew this program was for me. I guess I'd be considered a binge drinker. I don't drink every day or even every two to three or four days but when I do, I really out do myself. I'm really tired of the way I feel the next morning, headache, nausea, and not remembering a damn thing. Those fews nights, whether few and far between caused me to lose my license well over a year ago.
                      Yesterday was my first day taking the vitamins and medication. I'm not yet doing the cds as being a single mother have not a lot of money. I have decided to go with drinking in moderation and hope it's a good choice for myself. Controlling how much I drink when I do has always been my downfall.
                      I look forward to building relationships with all of you struggling with my same addiction. I believe a huge part of the process is having the support and shoulders of others to lean on.
                      I do have one question on the side effects of the topamax. I was wondering if any of you had any sleepliness and nightmares throughout the night? Last night was my first night but it was very restless and horrifying. I must have only gotten two hours of sleep the entire night.
                      I would appreciate any comments and feedback that any of you have to offer and look forward to speaking with all of you!


                        checking it out

                        Welcome aboard Mystical!

                        I don't take topa but I'm sure the others will help. Maybe you could try posting another post in the General chat section. Don't be shy. This is a great place.

                        Scooby Doo
                        :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                          checking it out

                          Welcome Mystical!! This is a great place to get the support you need. Are you taking kudzu and/or l-glut? They seem to work for myself and alot of other people here. I'm doing AF because I know I can't moderate. I've tried many times, just can't do it. For me 1 is too many and 100 is not enough! We will help you do whatever you want. Good luck and keep coming back..


                            checking it out

                            thanks all...

                            i appreciate the words of support and hearing what a great community this is.
                            i look forward to utilizing its strengths further.
                            the fearless are merely
                            people who act in spite
                            of their fear
                            are truly brave.

                            --j. a. lafond-lewis


                              checking it out

                              Hi & Welcome!

                              Yes, everyone takes a little or the whole thing & tweaks it to their liking. Some do the Topa/Campral/other meds/just supps/cds. You name it.

                              Glad you found us.
                              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

