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    After a night of binge drinking last night I awoke feeling awful (again) and sad. I called my boyfriend when I was drunk and he got really mad at me, he's tired of my binge drinking. This morning I found an anonymous note on my car from a concerned neighbor who has noticed my habitual drunk driving and is concerned. I'm sick and tired of feeling out of control. I've been binge drinking 1 or 2 days a week for some time now, there are times when I can control it and there are times when I can't. I'm hoping to learn why I do these things and how to stop.

    Suddenly I see
    This is what I want to be
    suddenly I see
    Why the hell it means so much to me.

    -KT Tunstall


    Lorlei, glad to have you at MWO and a bigh welcome to you!

    I'm a fellow binge drinker myself and can relate to your post. I would encourage you to get the book and read it as soon as you get a chance. It can seem hard at first, but once you get started it does get easier. This site is filled with wonderful people who are available to talk anytime.

    Again, glad to have you here!
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."



      Hi Lor & :welcome:

      Yes you have found the best place ever for the help that you need, Read as many posts as you can, you will find something that will work for you.

      Love & Hugs :h :l :h



        Hi Lorelei,
        How many times have we either phoned or visited someone after several too many? I know how you feel.
        The note on the car must be worrying. Should you be gratefull or want to bop them one for sticking their nose in. Either way it looks like you could do with a hand. Stick around and things will get better
        Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.



          I have ordered the book and look forward to reading it.

          I have been crying all morning first out of frustration but now out of relief to have found this site. After doing some initial browsing I know I will find plenty of support here.

          To give you all a bit of background on myself.....

          My father was an alcoholic, my mom didn't drink at all. I lost both parents 8 months apart, mom from a long illness and dad from a massive heart attack last Memorial Day. The past few years have been very hard for me and my family. I started really binge drinking back in 2002. I was working full time and going to night school to get my B.S. I would hit the bar after class to "relax". Eventually I grew to know everyone there and then I would go to see my "friends". Gradually I began to pack on weight and my self esteem plummeted. During this time I was also in a string of relationships that were not healthy for me. I tend to stay in relationships WAY past when I should be out of them. Early last year I ran into a guy that I had met some years ago through some mutual friends. He has been very supportive and loving and all other kinds of awesome things. I have recently hired a personal trainer and am beginning to try and take my life back. I also recently decided to quit smoking. The last key is to control that binge drinking.

          My self esteem is quite low and I feel like a failure most of the time. While I know that this isn't the case, I don't feel it is the case. There is a large disconnect between my head and my heart.

          I'm just so glad that I found this place.

          Suddenly I see
          This is what I want to be
          suddenly I see
          Why the hell it means so much to me.

          -KT Tunstall



            goingsobermum;126960 wrote: Hi Lorelei,
            How many times have we either phoned or visited someone after several too many? I know how you feel.
            The note on the car must be worrying. Should you be gratefull or want to bop them one for sticking their nose in. Either way it looks like you could do with a hand. Stick around and things will get better
            I'm grateful for the note. I would like to know who it was so I could thank them. They called me out and made me take stock. I don't want to be the drunk of the neighborhood. They are part of the reason I am here.
            Suddenly I see
            This is what I want to be
            suddenly I see
            Why the hell it means so much to me.

            -KT Tunstall



              Lor, Welcome to a lifeline. I ordered the book, supps, & cd's and they really are working for me. Please keep reading and rest assured something will "click". You just have to WANT it. Everyone here wants you to succeed, again welcome.



                Lorelei, big welcome to you and congrads on wanting to better yourself
                can you extrapolate on the mind/heart disconnect you are feeling?
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)



                  Welcome Lor! And really, what a gift that was for your neighbor to give you that note. Took a lot of courage for them and could have well saved your life. I hope you find what you need here. It is a great place. :welcome:
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



                    hi lorelei
                    hugs hugs and more hugs. my problem isnt so much binge drinking as drinking from 7pm every evening until i fell asleep that would be whisky. then there would be the wine when cooking sunday lunch wine when we were sitting in the sun in fact any excuse to drink.
                    i have a job and 4 kids and i manage to mainly hide my problem.
                    but things can get better i found these wonderful people on here and have been 11 days af
                    i feel so much better i am in the uk so cant get prescription meds but cope well on lglutamine, milk thistle and kudzu you can do this i promise.



                      Hello LoreLei,
                      This is a great place.
                      I hope you can stay awhile.



                        Welcome Lor,
                        You have come to the right you will find folks who have been or are where you are...we understand each other. You are not alone. Get the and read the book and jump into the has saved a lot of people and assisted them in slaying the bottle dragon.
                        :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:



                          Thanks all for your kind words and well wishes!

                          The mind/heart disconnect for me is that I can rationally understand something but cannot emotionally process things. I think that if I understand it I have dealt with it, but not so. Mentally understanding it only allows me to stuff it in my emotional baggage easier.
                          Suddenly I see
                          This is what I want to be
                          suddenly I see
                          Why the hell it means so much to me.

                          -KT Tunstall



                            Hugs sweetie, STOP it now............. read my thread lovey xx




                              Once you jump into this program your self-esteem will absolutely improve. I've been here for a few months and the support is tremendous. I was drinking at least five times a week, at bottle of wine. I've cut back, but still have a ways to go. I log on every day. It's a wonderful motivator! Pick up some Kudzu and L-glut. Everyone says they work wonders if your mind is in the right place. Good luck! Look forward to hearing from you again.


