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A trigger for me.

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    A trigger for me.

    I think a trigger for me is when I get very tired. I feel that white wine (my poison of choice) will help me relax. I did lots of yard work yesterday, & drank a whole bottle. I didn't end up relaxing...I ended up pretty much passing out. I'm keeping track of myself w/drink tracker & really want to do 30 days. I'll be at the forums daily. Thank you everyone.
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    A trigger for me.

    Think stress is my biggest trigger


      A trigger for me.

      Recognizing your triggers is a good step -- then trying to do something else in response. Stay strong -- you can do this. Keep coming back to the site and new posts. You are not alone.


        A trigger for me.

        Hi Ret, really recommend reading through loads of old posts, will keep you entertained, motivated, cry and laugh out loud, whatever you need really!! but more importantly keep you away from the glass. It is unbelievable how the hours are just 'fairied' away... or is it?? You are not alone here ever.

        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


          A trigger for me.

          Tired is a big one for me also.Some days when I get off work I'm so beat I just go by the store,pick up the kids, get home to my chair thinking I'll just have a couple(and I always think that) but end up drinking 9 or 10.I just keep trying and I also am going to try and post daily.Off to work for me and hopefully an easy day for all. Bird


            A trigger for me.

            Fatigue, Stress....I guess anything can be a trigger....a long day at the office...the long drive home...the thought of having a tall glass of wine or something stronger...the thought that "I had a hard day...I deserve it..."....
            Stress is a big trigger for me..but I found that I could use ANY excuse to pour a drink or two...and that one or two will not be the end...usually, when it starts it just keeps going until I am passed out on the couch.
            BUT...fortunately, through this program, I can really see myself slaying this dragon. I have a long way to go but I will get there.

            Tea has a good point...reading through the posts is great...I can see myself often, I can get a laugh as I recognize similar behaviour...I do appreciate this place...
            :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:

