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    :new: Hey guys, has anyone ever used the Baclofen? I started the Kudzu 3 x 3 per day about 2 wks ago, seems to help, only fell flat a couple of times, but I was taking the Baclofen for a muscle spasm in my neck the sametime I started the Kudzu, which says its good for those ailments too, my neck got better, and I stopped the Baclofen, and that's when I overindulged....what have you experienced....dosage also if you've used it?
    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


    Opps, also, I will call right now and order the hypno CD's, own a pharmacy and have all the other pharm. grade supplements listed...any other suggestions will be greatly appreciated....
    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"



      Hey TEX, I am a Texan too....welcome...(live in SC now though, but born and breed in TX...HA know us TEXANS...damn proud of that) The Kudzu on this site is superior to that you find in is formulated for us....everything else can be found at health food stores. Join us on the AF 30 days ???? under the general thread section....there is a group of us doing 30 days!!!! I am on day 12.



        I found an old post about baclofen. Quiescent started it and had ordered Baclofen. I don't know if it worked though, you'll have to ask her
        Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.



          My baclofen experience...... I hope it helps you when deciding.

          Good Luck toughintexas!


          I know it says topa titration advice but it is the thread where I documented my baclofen experience.
          :h :h :h :h



            Hi Tex - I spoke w/ you in chat yesterday. Just curious - you said you started the kudzu 2 weeks ago - what do you think of it. I started about 1 week ago and have found that I still want that 1st drink but drink a little less. Does it take time to build up in your system to take effect?



              Thanks Guys!

              I just joined yesterday, and already have a new nickname! Took some doing, but I got from TIT to Tex or improvement already! Feel so relieved to know I'm not the only one struggling and suffering, and trying to hide it, excuse it away. Ya'll are great, I'm going to post my history on the new page or whatever today. I can't tell yet about the Kudzu, cuz I started taking it the sametime as the Baclofen for a bad neck I said before tho, we were in the wine country of Calif. and I only had 3 glasses of wine in 24hrs, like one at lunch, one touring around, one with dinner, and that's awesome for me, did that for 6 dys, got home, and neck was better somewhat, so quit the Baclofen, then overindulged big time twice...I think sleeping on the floor...(OPPS!) probably aggravated my neck, so I went back on the Baclofen....this has all just been the last 14 dys, so there was only a few dys there, that I was only on the Kudzu....and I didn't take it on vacation probably 3 times a day, so I probably didn't have enough of it in my system, when I ditched the Baclofen. As a pharmacy owner, ex-drug rep., the Baclofen is a muscle relaxer, so you will experience some kinda rubbery limbs here and there. After reading lots of the site yesterday, I took 2 baclofen yesterday, late afternoon, and at bedtime, and made sure the past couple of days, I took the Kudzu 3 x 3, so I'll let you know in a few days. I've already taken Baclofen for nearly 2 wks. for my neck, so I'm going to go with that, and the Kudzu for now, I'm taking L-Glutamine also the past 2 dys., and NAC, I'm ordering the combo amino's and the GABA today, altho I can get the pharm. grade later, I just placed an order with our wholesaler, so I can probably get it quicker this week off the site. Ord'd the CD's also.....Ya'll are the best, it helps sooooo much to have someone to talk to!
              "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"

