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    Hi Everyone,

    :new: I've been lurking for quite some time and decided I need to jump in and introduce myself. I'm married, have 3 kids, and need to jump off the hell wagon I've been on for way to long. My husband and I both love our wine and frankly, just love to drink. I always seem to drink too much and do stupid things and alcohol continues to cause major problems in my life. Yes, I'm finally admitting that Alcohol, mixed with me, is the problem.

    Today was day 8 AF and I think I'll just keep going to see how far I can go without scaring myself (yet) with the thought of never being able to have a glass of wine again. I sure hate the first few days of no drink, drying out is sure hard on a body so set for it's next fix.

    You all seem like great people and very supportive of each other.


    Hello Realised,
    It's good to have you with us.
    It'll take a little while for your body to adjust, but it will.



      Welcome aboard. Sounds like you've made an excellent start with 8 days AF. Consider the book, supps, CDs. Everyone says they are a tremendous help. But the people here will be the biggest help of all. Log on often. It's addictive, and if I had to be addicted to something, I'd much rather have it be spending hours at MYO rather than with alcohol. You will get tons of support here. Good luck!




        Hi Released,
        I have been lurking for sometime also. I too love wine, and way to much! I have read the book first, then ordered the Cd's and supp's. They do seem to help me during the week. Weekends are another story for me right now. Congratulations on AF for 8 days. I hope all goes well for you. You are in a good place.




          Hi realised and welcome,
          Well done on 8 days. I have to say to myself each day, I won't drink today
          I can't think too much about what I might do tomorrow ( this is AA advice)
          I am now on week 8 af, which for me is an absolute miracle.
          This site and all the people help so much, so try and stick with us.
          Good luck xx



            Hi released
            I'm also a mother of 3 and this site has saved me!

            I've done the whole programme : supps, cds. and topa. exactly like rj. thought I would NEVER be able to drink again but now I find that I can enjoy the occasional glass of wine (thanks to topa), although to be fair I will always have an uneasy relationship with alcohol and I will be a member of MWO for a long long time I suspect...

            BUT - that aint a problem as the people and the support here are FANTASTIC and life changing. This is a great place and you are doing absoultely the right thing. well done on your hard work so far.

            take every day as it comes, don't be hard on yourself, and keep posting and reading. kate x



              Hi Released & :welcome:

              Well done your 8 days keep up the good work!!!

              This place is amazing, read the book, get the supps and read read and read sonme more ....

              Love & Hugs :h :l :h



                we are great people, we ALL have a common problem though and you found us just as we found each other. Keep coming....we help each other tremendously.



                  Welcome Released...I've been lurking and posting on and off for over a year now...not sure if you've read the book or tried the supplements but the supplements do seem to help me. I've also started Topa and am please with it so far.....WTG on your AF days!
                  :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:



                    Hi & Welcome!

                    Congrats on your AF days. Concentrate on small goals. Leave the big picture alone. Rather than looking at " never having a glass of wine again"- wake up each day & decide "Today I'm deciding I'm Not going to have any wine". Small goal-not overwhelming-achievable.

                    Glad you found us.
                    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

