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    Hi there,
    This is strange that I found this site today. It's been just another one of those dreaded hangover days and I am looking forward to getting home to bed!
    I read through a few peoples stories and feel releived that there are others out there going through what I am - you know what I mean -that I'm not alone. I really need to give up drinking and I dont think just cutting down will do as I always end up back where I started!
    I have been to rehab about 4 years ago and did the whole AA thing but hated every minute of it. Alcoholism runs in the family and while I'm still young at 31, I feel that life is just passing me by. I want to stop and I want to live a healthy life but as soon as I start to feel normal again I just crave drink.
    Drinking up to 3 bottles of wine at night is not uncommon and weekend binges are 24 hour.
    Please please please someone give me a few suggestions.


    Hi Shauna & :welcome:

    You sound exactly like me, but i'm older ............

    It can be done, the Kudzu helps, have you downloaded the book??? It is excellent. Read as many posts here as you can, there are so many people here each using diffferent methods, you are sure to find something that will work for you.

    All the best in your journey xx



      Hi and welcome! Like Betty said, reading the book is a good first step. The supplements, particularly the kudzu from this site and the l-glutamine are excellent at helping cravings. The CDs have been a big help for me as well. Also coming around here for support is such a big help. Great group of people here. :welcome:
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



        Hi Shauna,

        I've never done rehab, but I was just where you are, 14 years ago. The difference is I didn't even consider that I had a problem. Just try to keep focused on how great your life can be without the headaches, problems etc. etc. etc.

        You will find the method to help you if you keep looking. If you don't look and try, you'll never find it.

        I'm glad you're here!



've taken the first step by coming here and posting...there are many many folks here who know just how you feel. You will find many friends who have been are are right where you are.
          Next step(s)...get the book and read it...stop here often and read the when you have a question...get the supplements they really do help...Kudzu, L-glutamine, etc...and if you need more then there is information on additional things you can help.
          There are a lot of good people here who have gotten sick of the bottle demon. This program really seems to work...I am beginning to see the light after many many years of drinking myself to sleep every night.
          :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:



            Why is it strange that you found this site today? What were you looking for? A way to stop drinking? A miracle? Well, here you are. You found just what you were looking for. Not so strange really. I am thrilled you are here. This place has helped so many of us and now it can help you too. Read the book, read as many posts as you can and get familiar with the website. So much love and support is right here. Glad you found us!
            Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:



              Welcome fellow newbie! "Talking" things out here on the message board is a very valuable resource. I look forward to getting sober with you!

              Suddenly I see
              This is what I want to be
              suddenly I see
              Why the hell it means so much to me.

              -KT Tunstall



                Hiya Shauna, It's great to have you here! This place is wonderful: lots of support, encouragement and above all care from people who have been down the same or similar road. Like you I was able to put away a few bottles of wine in a sitting and weekends were just a continuous bender. Amazingly I thought that it was a sign of my manliness to do all that! Nuts or what?

                Anyway, lovely to meet you and good luck on your new life.




                  Hello Shauna. I don't know what led you here, but it's gotta mean something, right? I was searching for a way to quit without attending meetings. Not out of laziness, but I just tried
                  AA, and knew it wasn't for me. This place has been a God-send. I got the information I needed to get me started, and the support to hang in there. There are so many great people here, and trust me when I say, "We've seen it all!" I think between all the members here, it would be pretty tough to come here with a "You're not gonna believe this" story. Oh yeah, we've seen and heard and been through it all. You are definately not alone. Anyway, welcome. We'll see you around. Oh, :goodjob:
                  where does this go?



                    Hi Shauna,:welcome:
                    Good to have you here. I'm just a few weeks ahead of you - a day at a time.
                    I could not do it without the support of friends here. You will find all the help and support, yes and friendship here.
                    Best wishes. Rowland



                      Welcome Shauna,
                      I know all too well what those bad hangover days can be like... From the minute you get out of bed to drag yourself to work, all you can think about is getting home and just collapsing into bed to sleep it off...

                      I haven't much more to add to what has already been said here, this is a great place to be, there is all the help you could ever need, so it is up to you to use it to the best of your ability..

                      The start of this journey can be a bit hard for the first week or so, but stick with it and the rewards are so great you'll never want to go back to the old ways..

                      I wish you luck,

                      A F F L..
                      Alcohol Free For Life



                        Welcome Shawna -- you are not alone. Use as many or few of the tools as you need. I personally have used them ALL - not sure which is working, but something is so I just keep it up -- supps, meds, exercise, CDs, support website....lean on everyone here for support. We can do this together I think!

