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hello my first post

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    hello my first post

    I'm new here, looks like a great place. I have been visiting this site for awhile now, just never typed anything. I just got home from my doctors and got topamax with no problems. The dr. said that it was a great rx and she uses it for many things: mood, weight problems... I tryed campral with not much luck. I was not 100% AF and it slowly quit working. I have high hope for topa. I feel like this is about my last hope. Just wanted to say HI, and nice knowing that I'm not alone.

    hello my first post

    my second time today

    Hi, this is my second time of writing something, I was really scared admitting I have alcohol problems but so far no-one has criticised me.

    I feel everyone is supportive here, Good luck to you with px.
    Just believe - that's all you have to do



      hello my first post

      I glad you're here! Somehow it all seems easier when you know there are so many of us here encouraging each other.


        hello my first post

        Hiya cloudjockey & angellina, I'm new too have been AF for 6 out of 8 days with those two days total of 3 drinks....this has been a great jump for me in the past I would have consumed over 50+ for the week. I pick up my topa today and are so looking forward to getting started. Welcome both this site is great and the people are all so supportive.


          hello my first post

          HEY come on we ARE not alone, we are TOGETHER with a common problem....... hugs for you, read my just starting out................ xxx


            hello my first post

            Hello Cloudjockey and Angellina!

            Truly glad you are both here!

            Angellina: Criticize you for having a drinking problem, LOL now that would be "the pot calling the kettle black" on this website!

            CJ: so glad your doc gave you the prescription. I have been using Topa and it has helped me a bunch.

            Best thing is to read everything here, even the really old stuff. Go back in the archives and take a peak. Some great things there. Good people all over these boards from all over the world. No judgements, just love, support, and help all from people who know what it is like to try to get this thing off your back and get your life back. Great start making your first post!

            Welcome, welcome!!!
            Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


              hello my first post

              Hello sweetie, I admire you, read my just starting out, please learn from it
              Julia xx


                hello my first post

                Wanted to welcome you both as well. Let us know how the Topa works for you Cloud. It is so nice when you find an open minded doctor. :welcome:
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  hello my first post

                  Hi everyone,
                  Thanks or the support, I bought too much drink last night and thought I would only drink a portion of it and of course I got plastered woke up at 3am with mother -of-all headaches wanting to die or be sick, didn't get up till midday and my husband had to take kids to school. I felt all kinds of guilt. But this isn't the first time or I wouldn't be here. Iwas getting scared it was taking over.
                  I have been drinking one night then taking the next night off and succeeding but last night was awful. I am sober today and want to be sober tomorrow night too and the next etc.
                  Just believe - that's all you have to do



                    hello my first post

                    Thanks everyone, feels like I got friends already. I will post back on the topa results.


                      hello my first post

                      Welcome Cloud,
                      Glad you are here!
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        hello my first post

                        Hi Ho & Welcome! :wavin:
                        Glad to have you here!
                        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                          hello my first post

                          Welcome to all of you -- congrats for your good starts - just being here. Topa worked great for me -- unfortunately I had significant hair loss and had to stop but MANY people don't and it worked GREAT for me so I wish you all luck! Do the other stuff too -- supps, CDs, posting. It all helps! Stay strong!


                            hello my first post


                            Hi - just quickly going to add my :welcome: ! Good luck and look forward to getting to know you! - you're in a good place
                            :rays: Arial

                            Last first day - 15th April 2012
                            Days 1-7 DONE
                            Days 8-14 DONE
                            Days 15-21 DONE
                            30 days DONE
                            60 days
                            100 days


                              hello my first post

                              :hiya: Hello, Nice to meet you both!

                              There are many wonderful supportive people here. We are all in a different place when it comes to our drinking but when we come here it's like one big family.

                              I hope to see you both posting often and getting the support you need.

                              :h :h :h :h

