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How do you get over the first 3 days?

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    How do you get over the first 3 days?

    I want to give up for medical reasons (I have been developing liver problems), but I just can't get through the first day, let alone the next week or two. I associate alcohol with everything in my life: going shopping, going to work, taking the metro, walking the dog, doing the housework, etc. etc. It's not even like I go out and party or anything. I have just become so dependent on associating alcohol with my "goal" for doing what I should be doing anyway. I dream about waking up and getting a few beers, otherwise I wouldn't get through the day without being a miserable bitch. I am obsessed.
    Any advice on what I can do to replace those feelings of depenendency???
    Plus, every morning I wake up with the shakes and sweat. Going through the withdrawal process is a real bitch too! Every time I have tried I would have terrible lucid dreams and have this incredible feeling of terror all around me. Sounds, monsters, etc. I know it is not real, and try to make the best out of the interesting show my brain is putting on for me, but I miss sleep and end up really terrible the next morning (if I sleep at all).
    I know this is long, but any advice would be greatly appreciated. I am going to see my doctor next week to talk about my situation, but need your help too!!!

    How do you get over the first 3 days?

    Hi MissPickles,
    Gosh it sounds like you've got it rough. But try not to worry you will get through it. From a physical point of view the supplements reccomended on this site will help with withdrawal and cravings. If the withdrawals are really bad you may need to get your doctor to prescribe something to help you get through the first few days.
    Have you read the book yet, RJ and lots of people here have used topamax in addition to the sups to help reduce the desire to drink.
    From a mental point of view the CDs would help with relaxation. Also try and think back to a day when you had a good day without drinking when all was okay, its doesn't matter how far back but find memories like that and imagine yourself feeling good without it. When you need a drink remember those momments and that life is good even without alcohol.
    Keep coming back there are so many people here at all levels of their drinking and their help is priceless. Have you read the swimming pool post yet, its worth it.
    Welcome to mywayout.
    Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


      How do you get over the first 3 days?

      Misspickles - welcome!

      Please be careful about the withdrawal, it can be dangerous to do it without doctor's supervision depending on how much you've been drinking. Maybe you can start to slowly decrease the amount you drink every day until you can get in to see the doctor, or push up the appointment if you can.

      Take care.

      AF since 6JUN2012


        How do you get over the first 3 days?

        hey miss you can do it. yes it is bad to start with the sleepless nights are grim i had terrible itching and felt terrified but it does pass and i think the physical symptoms come in waves but the mental need for alcohol is there all the time. it depends how much you want to do this, we will help you stay,on here 24 hours if necessary i was the bitch from hell for the first i dont know how long. take it one hour at a time if necessary every hour you conquer is one hour nearer to your goal and if you mess up theres no judgement here however many times you start over at least by coming here you are showing yourself you want to do something and we really and truly know what you are going through


          How do you get over the first 3 days?

          Hi & :welcome:

          I too was drinking all day when I first joined, I remember the sweats and shakes in the morning, AAaarh ..... I cit down gradually over two months before I went AF, gradually starting later in the day, and setting my self small achievable goals, It wasn't easy but was well worth it ...

          Keep us up to date with your progress xx


            How do you get over the first 3 days?

            Hi Misspickles,

            Yep those early days are really hard. But they do get easier. This time going abs, I found it extremely hard up to day four. No sleep, very stressed etc. However, by day 5, I was sleeping like a baby. I am doing all the sups (including the topamax) and things are going relatively smoothly. I do take 2 Kalms tablets before I go to bed and so far that has worked.
            If you are having really powerful dreams/visions when cutting alcohol out, it may be withdrawal. See your doctor and tell him about your symptoms and follow his/her advice.
            Take care

            Sober since 30/06/10

