Basically as I have said in my last thread I know I have a drinkin problem Im female and 31 and for the past 8 years my drinking has gone from sociable to self destructive I can not understand why and how!!! I drink when I am near to my menstrul cycle i get very very very down and very negative and I crave alcohol for no reason what so ever Ive have been the docters and had tests to see if my hormone levels were ok they say theres nothing wrong ( yeah right) ive been offered many different anti-depressants and anxiety pills but i dont feel the need to take them because the rest of the month i am fine i can say no to alcohol but just when everything is fine thats it i get that craving and no matter what i do or say i convince myself to buy alcohol then i dont stop for sometimes 2 weeks used to be 3 it was once 5 and i ended up in hospital. I am alone alcohol stop me from having friends or parters becuz i know i have this dark problem trying to hide it away i have no confidence and i sit and wonder how and when i will behable to be like all other women my age I have no faith in the docters they just think i should stop !!! Well if i knew how i would!!!!! I know i sound like i feel sorry for myself but i dont honestly i am a strong person thats why i have coped with this alone for so long even though my family think im a waste of space and do not understand!!! Thankyou for letting me get this out and reading this !!!!!! Please help xxxxxxx:h
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The Docters can not help!!!!
The Docters can not help!!!!
Hi again to all those lovely people on here!!!! Im wondering if anyone can understand this ?
Basically as I have said in my last thread I know I have a drinkin problem Im female and 31 and for the past 8 years my drinking has gone from sociable to self destructive I can not understand why and how!!! I drink when I am near to my menstrul cycle i get very very very down and very negative and I crave alcohol for no reason what so ever Ive have been the docters and had tests to see if my hormone levels were ok they say theres nothing wrong ( yeah right) ive been offered many different anti-depressants and anxiety pills but i dont feel the need to take them because the rest of the month i am fine i can say no to alcohol but just when everything is fine thats it i get that craving and no matter what i do or say i convince myself to buy alcohol then i dont stop for sometimes 2 weeks used to be 3 it was once 5 and i ended up in hospital. I am alone alcohol stop me from having friends or parters becuz i know i have this dark problem trying to hide it away i have no confidence and i sit and wonder how and when i will behable to be like all other women my age I have no faith in the docters they just think i should stop !!! Well if i knew how i would!!!!! I know i sound like i feel sorry for myself but i dont honestly i am a strong person thats why i have coped with this alone for so long even though my family think im a waste of space and do not understand!!! Thankyou for letting me get this out and reading this !!!!!! Please help xxxxxxx:hTags: None
The Docters can not help!!!!
Hi there Keepon, you say you dont feel you need anti-depressants but you do sound depressed. Why not see how you get on with them and stop if you want. I found that alcohol made me very depressed and so drank more. Vicious cycle. Maybe you could get all the supps on line and see how you go there. People will help you if you open up. If you are anything like me, i tend to bottle things up and pretent to be fine, that is not good. Bella xxx Keep posting too.
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The 'Odd's'
It's hard to see what's really going on around you when hitting the sauce pretty hard, I tried everything from, shrink's, pills, hypnosis...all failed attempts.
One day I felt there was something missing in my life and true enough, I took a look around and my Wife, Kids, home and my job weren't there anymore....'I wonder why'
I dont think I will ever get them all back, but I can see it was my own stupid fault, takes a while to see the light but man it's worth it...You Can Do it.....Good Luck Keepon !!!
Sunday, Day 127 AF
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Only just noticed both you and 'Bella' are from England, Im a born and bred Britt, though been hanging out in the USA, for the last 12yrs, not the easiest of places to try and stop drinking, I think it's something they put in the water............
My Love to Cornwall
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Hi keepon,
You do sound depressed. I did'nt think I was depressed until my gp
put me on an antidepressant, that was 2 months ago and now I feel
so much better. Have you tried evening primrose for pmt, you need
to take it for a few weeks before you notice a change, but it is very
Good luck..
The Docters can not help!!!!
Hello keepon,
I understand about the before your period, thats when the need to drink hits me. I am planning to talk to my doc about it, evening primrose is good stuff but there are other herbs that you can take. I think because of the hormones in our bodies at that time make us prone to more depression. I am not looking forward to next time because I just got done with it and was drinking so much my friends made me go to the hospital.
Anti-depressants don't seem to work for me personally but I certainly don't want to give you advice there especially since I am still trying to work this out, however after the hospital stay I went for acupuncture, and it seems to be really helping.
I'm 37 and I feel for you I think my mother will disown me if I don't get a grip.
If I find out more about PMS and how it affects drinking I will let you know.
You take care and don't give up!!!
kitkatAF since 12/11/2008:ranger
Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:
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I just had acupuncture treatments for lower back pain and it seems to help, along with the Chinese herbs he gave me. I was told by another patient that it works really well for PMS. And for stress in general so that might work for the drinking.
Keepon-keep on! And Good luck. Now that you've started reaching out, keep doing that.
The Docters can not help!!!!
Hi keepon,
Depression is a nightmare isn't it. I used to try and work out if I drank because I was depressed or was I depressed because of the drink.
At the end of the day I do know that they feed each other. I'm on anti-depressants and they are very slowly starting to work, althouth I know they are less effective when mixed with alcohol.
As for PMT I found being on the pill almost eradicated any symptoms and maybe if you haven't got a religious faith that makes that a no go then you could look into that.
Good luck
KittyOur greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.
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What does PMT stand for?
In the US we say PMS -- Pre Menstrual Syndrome. Now a new term has surfaced PMDD (I think) Pre Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder & Anit-Depressants and the pill are said to help.
I am still curious about the acupuncture. I had to try perhaps six types of birth control pills before Yasmin finally worked for me. I will be 39 next month do not have kids -- I choose to have pugs instead (being one of seven children is the best birth control ever)
Anyway -- I think there are many of us outh there who are hormonal drinkers -- we binge at a certain time of the month ... just my thoughts... time to take out the pug ...
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KeepOn- Hang in there. It is hard and it can take some time but you can slowly get yourself feeling better. Unfortunately the more and longer you drink the stronger those cravings get to resist. It does sound like you have something else, depression possibly ,going on. You sound like you are very alone. That can really be difficult. Keep coming here and posting and it can really help. It's one positive step in the right direction.
It's so easy to isolate yourself when you drink and it can really be detrimental. Be well! AquamarineNEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF YOUR OWN DETERMINATION
AF SINCE 3/16/2016
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I'm not exactly sure which needle does the trick he places quite a few on my arms and legs, I just know it helps. I have one small needle he put in my ear and left there that I can where outside of his office I can take it out if it bugs me but it helps with cravings and stress, however I wouldn't attempt to put it back in of course but it has been in for a few days.
I hope this helps
kitkatAF since 12/11/2008:ranger
Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll: