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Will I ever control my drinking?

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    Will I ever control my drinking?

    Hello all,

    Its been a long time since I posted anything on here. About 3 years. I know that the last time you all helped me stop drinking for an entire month which gave me the clarity I needed to make some pretty big life decisions.

    Currently I live in Amsterdam and I am really enjoying it, but temptation to go partying and get drunk is really high and I seem to be obliging. I don't remember the last time i didn't have a drink and am doing some pretty stupid things.

    I hope I will get similar support to help me stop drinking, I have set a goal for no Alcohol for the whole of November. I hope I can do it.

    Thanks and nice to meet you all

    Will I ever control my drinking?

    Hi nailz welcome back! I think having a strong desire to quit is key. Seeing the benefit from experience will help. Can you avoid those social situations where AL is served for the first while perhaps?
    Newbies Nest
    My accountability thread


      Will I ever control my drinking?

      Good Morning and thank you.

      I have a strong desire to quit so yes I can avoid those situations, also there is more to do here than drink so I have plenty of choices. My partner is supportive - but I feel ashamed to admit to her I have a problem. I have also contacted Alcoholics Anonymous... I don't think she thought my problem was that bad...


        Will I ever control my drinking?

        Only you know about the struggle within. That's what makes it " that bad" in my mind. I struggled to moderate for years without success. I was scared to say it out loud but once I started opening up I began to find support. One step at a time though. So glad you're here, it will once again change your life!
        Newbies Nest
        My accountability thread


          Will I ever control my drinking?

          Welcome name...pretty close to Nelz :H It sounds like the southern draw version of my name, I am a sucker for that southern accent

          The short answer to your question is yes.....yes, you CAN control your drinking. That means different things to different people. Some can moderate, some have to abstain. We cant make that choice for you. You, know YOU better than anyone.

          I think for the most part, we wouldnt be on this board if we could moderate, we dont seem to have an "off" switch. So in my humble opinion, its best for us to remove the temptation.

          With proper encouragement, techniques, and sheer will power you can achieve your goal.

          It will be a difficult road to hoe, and a bit of a WILL get easier, the more times you stare that rat bastard AL in the face from across the room and tell him to get the hell out of your lilfe....and stay out! the better it gets

          Soon, you will start to wonder why you ever picked up that dreadful drink in the first place
          Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



            Will I ever control my drinking?

            You've done it before - no reason not to do it again! We're all in this one day at a time. My husband and I were going to go out to dinner last night - we usually have a 'date night out' and for whatever reason, I knew that wanting a drink would be an issue. Talked to my husband about it and we ordered take away. When I am in a situation where I am not confident of my own self control, right now I take myself out of it. You've already take the first step . . .
            10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


              Will I ever control my drinking?

              Thanks guys, I logged onto some of my old posts from 3 years ago, I think my drinking was a lot worse, but I am not letting my self off. This is my second night alcohol free, which is the first time in months I have done it.

              At the moment I feel very strong and that I can change this, but I know how difficult week 2 and 3 can be for me, the initial conviction wains, the things that drive you to have a drink seem everywhere.

              Stay focussed, thanks for your support! and Nelz, I am in the UK and we would pronounce Nailz "nayuwls" I wonder hot that compares to the southerners?


                Will I ever control my drinking?

                nayuwls - if I can do it - anyone can. One day at a time. That voice telling you to have a drink isn't real - it is just your evil twin!
                10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                  Will I ever control my drinking?

                  Nailz weakness is when we DO NOT admit we are in need of help. Admitting you have a problem is actually very hard and shows strength. Your partner likely knows more than you think. For some reason we think we are hiding it and we aren't. Glad you are here!!!
                  AF 10/21/2013...ODAT :kudos:


                    Will I ever control my drinking?

                    Nailz;1580736 wrote: Thanks guys, I logged onto some of my old posts from 3 years ago, I think my drinking was a lot worse, but I am not letting my self off. This is my second night alcohol free, which is the first time in months I have done it.

                    At the moment I feel very strong and that I can change this, but I know how difficult week 2 and 3 can be for me, the initial conviction wains, the things that drive you to have a drink seem everywhere.

                    Stay focussed, thanks for your support! and Nelz, I am in the UK and we would pronounce Nailz "nayuwls" I wonder hot that compares to the southerners?
                    Id be ok with Nayu(elz) Stay strong, you can do it
                    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                    DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                      Will I ever control my drinking?

                      Nailz, yes, always be on guard, especially this early. That's why I'm staying close to this website. I bought a new ipad just so I'd have quick access anywhere I am.
                      Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.

