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Hello Everyone!!!!!

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    Hello Everyone!!!!!

    I just thought I would say happy sunday to all you lovely friendly peoples at MWO, and also I dont take any medication but the names topamax and kuduzu etc keeps popping up when im reading away basically im from England i dont know whether they do the topamax over here i can not afford too buy it from this site etc!!!! So im gonna make an appointment with the docs this week and mention what you lovely people have suggested and see if he can give me anything at all to help me when i get my cravings right now im fine as always but soon i know the cravings gonna hit me wen my pms kicks in !!!!!! So have a lovely day stay sober and happy luv Keepon!!!!!! xxxxxxx

    P.S as you can see im new to this and am not very good at writing things down the way im feeling but i hope i make sense hehe x:new:

    Hello Everyone!!!!!

    Hello Keepon, and welcome to MWO.
    Hey, as long as you write, that is the main thing.... it lets us know how you are feeling and then we can perhaps help in some way.
    If you can't get Topomax, ask for Campral, which is available here in the sunny land of OZ, and also in the UK health system.
    Save up a couple of quid and get some kudzu from the health store here. It really has helped me with my cravings. See if you can get the starter pack... it will give you a great start especially if you can also get Campral from your doctor.
    Hope to see lots of enthusiastic posts from you!!
    Hang in there.


      Hello Everyone!!!!!

      Hi Keepon, I'm in the UK too, i've never heard of anyone being successful at getting topamax from their doctor ..... Some people on here have bought it online, and people have said that although it is expensive it still works out cheaper than buying booze .....

      The Kudzu here from MWO is excellent ....

      All the best ...


        Hello Everyone!!!!!

        Hi Keepon and welcome:welcome:

        I wish you luck with the docs over here. I took the MWO book, articles from the internet, etc, etc to my doctor and he looked at me like I was mad!!! Unfortunately they just haven't heard of Topamax for treating cravings. And they won't prescribe anything that doesn't fall into their 'allowed' medicines - understandably. The good ole UK seems to be lagging a bit in this area.

        However, on a brighter note, he did seem willing to look into Campral etc, but I had my heart set on the topamax. In the end I ordered mine off the internet.
        I hope you have better luck or are interested in trying one of the anti craving drugs they do prescribe.

        Best wishes


        Sober since 30/06/10


          Hello Everyone!!!!!

          Topamax in the UK

          Hi Keepon,

          Glad you're still here!

          About Topomax, I think in the UK you will only get it if you can convincingly fake either epilepsy or chronic migraine when you see your GP/ As far as I can tell, Topomax is not licenced for use in alcohol dependence and as a result your GP is simply not allowed to prescribe it, even if they agree it might be worth a try.
          Which is a bit of a pain in the you-know-what, but I've considered ordering it off the internet too. What stopped me was the thought that this is a serious medication prescribed in the UK to epilepsy patients who don't respond to any other treatment.

          I decided to try every other way I could to stop/slow drinking first. Self hypnosis, kudzu, good food, multivitamins, sleep and exercise.

          If this doesn't get me anywhere than maybe you and I could consider ordering the Topamax in bulk from the US and saving a bit on the postage!!

          keep on going, Keepon!
          SqueakyClean (ahem! - maybe not this weekend, but tomorrow's another day)


            Hello Everyone!!!!!

            Hi Squeaky Clean and Keepon,
            I like the idea of faking epilepsy!
            If you decide to buy on line Topa can be bought cheaply from this place. They deliver worldwide and are far cheaper than the American and Canadian sites.
            Buy Generic Topamax (Topiramate) Online ::
            B6 and evening primrose are supposed to help PMS which if you can sort that might mean less cravings.
            All the best, Suz
            Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.

