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Man, I've been tryin... what the hell?

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    Man, I've been tryin... what the hell?

    I guess, I'm frustrated in myself.

    But, I should introduce myself. New, as of tonight....Been fighting for about 6 years now. (I'm 30). It was so much fun, and easy, back when I was younger. And others seem to move on fairly easily- but I keep holding on, to drink, and the illustion that I'm better for it, socially speaking.

    Anyway. I'm curious if there's an easy, 1-2-3 approach to this MWO program.. I.e, first- take these meds, at this time of day, for 7 days, then, add these meds at this time of day, etc.....

    Because I'm continually finding I need this kind of structure laid out for me.

    Is this in the book? I need it to be easy and idiot-proof, or I will give up.

    Also, thanks much for having me. I'm also on chat, quite often.

    from a newbie,


    Man, I've been tryin... what the hell?

    Hi Fire & :welcome:

    Yes it is all in the book, read the posts here as well, as we all use different parts of the programme.

    Good Luck


      Man, I've been tryin... what the hell?

      Hi Fire, and welcome.

      The programme is all laid out - but as Betty said, most people alter the programme to suit their own preferences.
      Some don't like to take meds - just sups. Some don't do the CDs.
      Some - like me - don't do anything except log on here - I find that is enough support to get me through!!

      The one thing you need for success is that you REALLY, REALLY must want to change.
      All this programme can do is to make it a little easier!
      It will still take hard work on your part.
      The first wee while is tough - but it gets easier!

      Come on here as often as you can - the support and advice here is life changin - literally,
      I feel I have just got a new life after 20 something years of alcohol abuse.
      We will all help as much as we can!
      We have all been where you are now.

      Best of luck - you CAN do it!

      "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


        Man, I've been tryin... what the hell?

        Hi Fire,

        Welcome, you'll find the programme set out in steps just like you want...but depending on how far down the road you are, as satori says you have to want it yourself too, YOU have to put some effort in, it's as close as I've come to the "magic bullet".

        BUT you do have to follow the programme and take some responsibility too.

        The support you'll get on the site is 10000000% so keep posting and read everyone's stories, we know what it's like !

        good luck


          Man, I've been tryin... what the hell?

          Gday mate,
          you have come to the right place. keep at it !

          "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


            Man, I've been tryin... what the hell?

            Welcome Fire,

            I log on here every day. It helps to know that there are others out there who are fighting the same fight that I am. No one judges you and everyone offers insight into how we can win this battle against alcohol. I've read the book several times and am trying to get into the routine of taking the vitamins and other supps regularly. I'm slowly getting a handle of some of the issues and triggers that cause me to drink way too much. One of the worst factors of drinking is the guilt and self-disgust. By coming here, reading, reading, and reading, I've started to change my mindset about drinking. I think this program is wonderful, and I hope that you will give it your all. There are great tools at your disposal and great people to get to know. Good luck. Look forward to hearing from you again.



              Man, I've been tryin... what the hell?

              Thanks much to all who replied, I do find it helpful to hear this kind of support. More, in response to your question, I am trying AF for the foreseeable future. I don't feel that moderation is a good option for me right now.

              Thanks again all, and good luck to you!

