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day 4 and feel like a new person

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    day 4 and feel like a new person

    Hi I am on day 4. Doing everything, topa, cd's all supplements. Feel great!. Went out on Friday night, stayed out till 1.30am nd watched everyone else getting drunk and felt great to be sober. Woke up with no hangover and felt wonderful, hubby felt dreadful all day. strange thing is I had no desire to drink at all.

    day 4 and feel like a new person

    Hi: I'm hoping to start AF today. It's Monday & almost at the start of a new month. Your story of the weekend was inspirational.
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      day 4 and feel like a new person

      Hi reeteacher

      Don't say you are hoping. You WILL DO IT. I cant tell you how good it feels, keep yourself occupied because that is the only thing. I am a bit of a loss at what to do in the evenings, but if I keep occupied I am fine, and I am finding I am going to bed earlier, no bad thing because body needs to recuperate after years of abuse. I am intending to do 30 days AF, but maybe I will do more, I have put on 4 stone with drinking and I want to lose the weight so maybe I will do AF until I have lost the weight. You can do it why dont we become AF buddies and email each other each day to gee each other up?



        day 4 and feel like a new person

        Hi to both of you, I'd like to join you both in the AF challenge. I meet with my Dr. today for my prescription and am waiting the arrival of sups and cd's


          day 4 and feel like a new person

          Welcome Gardening Gal. You are very welcome, I think it will be great to have a few of us who are all starting out at the same time helping each other with what we are feeling. have you submitted your story yet. You can read mine on the my story page it is titled my story long one please be patient. It is a frank and honest account of what I was feeling before I started. How about you.


            day 4 and feel like a new person

            I'll do that if I can find the place, thanks for the reply.


              day 4 and feel like a new person

              Hi everyone,

              I'll join you I'm on day 3. Would have been day 5 but I slipped last friday at a party but I kept in control. We have a nice new month starting tomorow too which is nice.

              Good luck everyone

              Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                day 4 and feel like a new person

                Hi everyone, I am day 6 but would love to join in if OK?
                thanks Angellina
                Just believe - that's all you have to do



                  day 4 and feel like a new person

                  Good luck to you all! As soon as my Topamax arrives I'll join too if you'll have me. (Doc wouldn't give it to me, had ot order it ) I'll check in on you until then.
                  If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                    day 4 and feel like a new person

                    Hi I am thinking that I will start a new thread for this seeing as so many people want to join in and support each other. How about I call it "newbies in need". We can all post how we are feeling each day and help each other through the first few weeks. Good luck everyone and see you over on the new thread. Amanda


                      day 4 and feel like a new person


                      Hi all,
                      Have just came through very stressful period of real worry in my life, so sought solace in my beloved booze over problem........looks like my worries are over, please God.

                      Am having celebratory btl of wine tonight(had hellish time-consider I deserve this one!), but just "know", that am gonna become a btl of wine a week girl as of tomorrow.............feels great to know I`m telling the truth this time..........will do Sat. night btl only.

                      Thanks for all the strength you lovely people give me.

                      Starlight Impress


                        day 4 and feel like a new person

                        Hi all,

                        I just got on this site and am wondering which book your reading. Is it the my way out book? Coz I just ordered it. Am not an alcoholic but a hopeless binge drinker who doesn't recognise herself when she gets hammered and does things I would never dream of. Lost my boyfriend and might lose my job due to drinking. I am starting Campral tomorrow. My god i hope it works. Need to get off this friggn merrygoround. Any pointers? :new:


                          day 4 and feel like a new person

                          Hi Amber,

                          First of all welcome. Come to the right place. Yes it is the my way out book it is great. I completely understand the feeling of not recognising yourself after alcohol and the awful feelings the day afterwards.

                          Why don't you join the thread I started called newbies in need, it is where all of us newbies are going to post on one thread and try and help each other out during our first month or so. Also, I say just take one day at a time, I am only on day six but doing the book and taking the supplements etc I feel great.


                            day 4 and feel like a new person

                            Hi i am new to this, just read your message, could u tell my what AF means. I am overweight, and its to do with drinking


                              day 4 and feel like a new person

                              af means

                              alcohol free you may see df drunk free

