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How do I get help when I start the craving before caving??

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    How do I get help when I start the craving before caving??

    Some of you may already know that I have had many day 1's now I am at day 2...I usually feel good for about a week and then I throw in the towel giving myself many reasons to just say screw it an go buy a bottle. I don't want that to happen anymore. I just don't know how to do it...when I start caving in and my mind says its ok to drink...the last thing I want to do is phone a friend to help me not to drink...then they won't let me drink. What can I do on those insane moments when I feel the most like drinking...If I feel like taking a drink then I can I admit it and get over that feeling to get me through the day/night whatever???
    Honeysoup :heart:

    How do I get help when I start the craving before caving??

    Hi Honeysoup,
    You come right on here and ask for help from this little community of like minded people like I did last week. There's a thread dedicated to people who need help a.s.a.p. USE IT! Just scream HELP and someone will be there for you like they were for me.
    I was so grateful that I did last week as I was just seconds away from caving in but it gave me just the time and the welcome support from others urging me not to do it that I needed.
    Sobriety is its own reward


      How do I get help when I start the craving before caving??


      I think we have ALL felt like you do...and I admire your honesty in admitting that you are craving a drink and how easy it is for you to give in. The key thing in preventing you from taking that first drink is to IMMEDIATELY think of something else, and BUSY YOURSELF so that you are not obsessing over AL. If you allow yourself to obsess about that drink, trust me, you'll drink. I know from my own experience. As far as busying yourself....go work out at the gym, turn on a good movie, rake leaves, go for a does not matter. Also, post this on the Need Help ASAP Forum or in the Newbies Nest. Chances are, someone is on line to help.

      Have you checked out The Toolbox here? It's excellent. Keep reading and posting...we are all here for you.


        How do I get help when I start the craving before caving??

        Sorry, Kairos, cross-post. Thanks!


          How do I get help when I start the craving before caving??

          Its going to take some real willpower on your part to stay AF. You know yourself pretty well, and should know your "triggers". Do your darndest to avoid these at ALLLLL cost.

          The other thing is to distract yourself with any activity you can and focus your energy on something else. Everytime I used to get cravings, I simply said to myself "I dont drink" and kept thinking that until the craving passed....and it "will" pass
          Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



            How do I get help when I start the craving before caving??

            Honey :l
            I wish there was a magical answer. I have found that if I LET myself think of drinking, then that's what I do. When the thought first hits you, get rid of it! Lingering on the thought is going to lead to drinking. Are you still taking Antabuse? Please do not mix the two...I worry about you :h
            You have my number if you want to text me, ANYTIME! :l
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              How do I get help when I start the craving before caving??

              What about ordering a starter pack & use the cd if u have an emergency situ?
              Try downloading allen Carr's book & whip it out (or use iPhone/kindle) & have a quick read a few times in the day ?
              Will power alone is tricky- I haven't managed on will power alone either for very long.
              Nope, no sure fire solution so you might need to come up with a lot of alternatives.

              I am not so good at this either, but want to offer my encouragement!!
              (AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober


                How do I get help when I start the craving before caving??

                I did pop my Antabuse and I also included Campral...I have a huge bottle left from last year so I am going to use it up and see if it makes any difference in the cravings. I popped the Antabuse reluctantly because I was worried I hadn't waited long enough...I though...just do it and go to sleep so I did and thankfully I didn't wake up with any nasty side effects. I was supposed to have my second meeting with my counselor on Friday but luckily out of now where they called yesterday and said they had a cancellation for tonight. I jumped on it...I want so badly to get better take back control of my life...ugh...I have been obsessing about this for two days!!!
                Honeysoup :heart:


                  How do I get help when I start the craving before caving??

                  Nelz;1581152 wrote: Its going to take some real willpower on your part to stay AF. You know yourself pretty well, and should know your "triggers". Do your darndest to avoid these at ALLLLL cost.

                  The other thing is to distract yourself with any activity you can and focus your energy on something else. Everytime I used to get cravings, I simply said to myself "I dont drink" and kept thinking that until the craving passed....and it "will" pass
                  mmmmmm ......"Know your triggers and avoid them" how can you if your trigger is working long hours and you have too as that is part of the condition of the job, although it is not voiced to sometimes work 12 or 14 hour days, or more. We can't always avoid our triggers.
                  New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


                    How do I get help when I start the craving before caving??

                    Excellent thread honeysoup,i myself wonder this same thing i tried everything under the sun to avoid drinking before my last binge,i came on here,i went to the dollar store,did some cleaning,in the end i still wanted to drink,i dont know what to do when my mind says fuck it!
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      How do I get help when I start the craving before caving??

                      Just like now...I was fine all day and had complete control knowing I want to change my life and not drink...but phone call and its the end of the work day an I already want to stop and get some wine on the way home. I FUCKING HATE THIS! Why does this thing just change me so much...this way and that way and my mind plays tricks on me wanting it...hating it...fear of the unknown...will I make it? Will I cave? I don't fucking know but I HATE IT... I just don't know what the fuck to do!!!
                      Honeysoup :heart:


                        How do I get help when I start the craving before caving??

                        Honey, you can't if you've taken the AB. When did you last take it? Remember WHY you got the antabuse in the first place. Please stay strong. Don't mess with your health. :l
                        Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                          How do I get help when I start the craving before caving??

                          last night before bed I took it...I know I can't and I am feeling PISSED OFF because of it...I'm just leaving work...I will check in soon...GGGRRRRRR
                          Honeysoup :heart:


                            How do I get help when I start the craving before caving??

                            catching triggers

                            There's a good book called "Heart of Addiction" you might want to read. The author says that the decision to drink often comes way before the drink. Are there particularly stressful times during the work day and is there a way to deal with them better? The other thing I've heard some people say is that you should consider changing situations that make you feel that bad. Can you get a different job? I realize this won't change in the short term but it's something you might want to think about long term.


                              How do I get help when I start the craving before caving??

                              Honey - Does anything BAD usually happen when you drink? I think for most of us that's what made us change, every time we drank something bad happened. How do you REALLY feel when you drink? Relaxed, happy...ashamed? You need to figure out the truth about your relationship with alcohol. You still seem to be on the fence. I know in my heart of hearts that I HATE brings me misery. What does alcohol do to you? Do you like yourself when you're drinking?
                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

