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Looking for a way out...

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    Looking for a way out...

    Hi guys -- I am, possibly, new here.

    I've been struggling with alcohol for the last four years. I lost my ex to alcohol, as I cheated on him one night while drunk, he left me and I was devastated.

    I am with a new man now, soon 10 months. He hates it when I am drunk, he does not like who I am. I have done things that he is not happy about. Heck, I don't even like who I become when I'm drunk. Every time he almost left me because of drunken behavior, I always promised to stop drinking, and I would go without for maybe a month then slowly it'll creep back into my life. He does not enforce it, in fact, he sometimes encourage it -- like, take me out on a date order us a bottle of wine. And I love it when we have just a couple of glasses, it usually is nice and goes well.

    a couple of nights ago, I cheated on him while drunk while he was out of town on business and I was out with a couple of friends.... I have not told him, I don't think I will this time. But this has got to stop. I don't understand why I behave this way. Why do I so conveniently forget that I have a boyfriend and that I am NOT single and available to anyone?

    The thing is -- I don't get drunk often. I don't consider myself alcoholic. I don't crave alcohol. But I TRULY ENJOY socially drinking, I absolutely cringe at the thought of being the only one not drinking -- especially with my boyfriend there. I want to be the "cool awesome girlfriend who can drink and control herself", but it seems impossible?

    Even though -- bad situations like cheating or getting way emotionally out of control does not happen very often, like once or twice a year, they are often enough for me to destroy my relationship and I don't want that to happen.

    I love my boyfriend. I am so wrecked with guilt and shame about what happened the other night, there were a couple other people involved -- they are all married too, if I confess, not only I lose my boyfriend - i am also potentially destroying their relationships as well. They are part of our circle of friends which is even worse because we will see them often. Is it really possible this can stay a secret?

    Anyway -- I do want to take something from this, from what happened that night... I want to change. I do not want to continue to ruin my relationships because of alcohol, alcohol is not worth it.

    Advice please! Thank you in advance

    Looking for a way out...

    Welcome. Boy your post was a lot to digest. A bit contradictory in that you speak about not having a problem drinking while admitting that at times you lose control and have run headlong into a whole mess of problems. If you want to really quit you have to drop all pretence about not having a problem with alcohol. Clearly you do or you wouldn't have searched us out. Not to worry though you are among friends. Hell it took me 30 years to admit. I had a problem. Check out the toolbox and by all means stop and read the posts, particularly the newbie nest thread.
    Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing.

    William Butler Yeats


      Looking for a way out...

      TJAF;1581483 wrote: Welcome. Boy your post was a lot to digest. A bit contradictory in that you speak about not having a problem drinking while admitting that at times you lose control and have run headlong into a whole mess of problems. If you want to really quit you have to drop all pretence about not having a problem with alcohol. Clearly you do or you wouldn't have searched us out. Not to worry though you are among friends. Hell it took me 30 years to admit. I had a problem. Check out the toolbox and by all means stop and read the posts, particularly the newbie nest thread.
      I do have a problem with alcohol!



        Looking for a way out...

        Hi Lovely and welcome!

        A few things jumped out at want to be the cool girlfriend who can about the faithful girlfriend that doesn't cheat?

        You mentioned that cheating and getting out of control "only happens once or twice a year". Isn't that once or twice a year TOO many?

        If all of your problems are brought on by alcohol, then guess what the problem is?

        Please join us in the Newbies Nest. I'm glad you've found us, we can help.

        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Looking for a way out...

          Welcome LovelyLife. :welcome:
          This is a great site. I suggest you look at the Toolbox and join the Newbies thread.
          Someone will be along soon to make sure you have the links to this.

          You need to tackle 2 issues here - your problems with alcohol and your problems with relationships. But the first one to deal with is the alcohol. Its a serious problem in your life and believe me, it will get much much worse.
          There is nothing awesome or sexy about what you are doing - either when you are with your boyfriend or when you are not (and drunk). This happens when you drink. Sure there are 'lovely' drinkie moments you and the guy share but it sounds like this does not last.
          You need to quit for at least 30 days - and then maybe reevaluate this toxic relationship with the bottle. In the meantime - tell your boyfriend that you are stopping and that you need his support (and that means not sharing a bottle of wine. Thats not possible). Maybe find some other cool things to do on a date that don't involve drinking.
          If you find stopping is a problem then you may need extra help. Meanwhile Post on this website (with the newbies) and you will get lots of good advice and support.
          You can do this.


            Looking for a way out...

            Welcome Lovely. We all have done or said things when drinking that we would rather forget.
            I remember so I can stick to my quit. I hope you stay close, read and past. Mwo is a wonderful place and you can use it to change your life.
            No matter how far you go or how fast you run, you can't get away from yourself. ....said at an AA meeting. It stuck with me.


              Looking for a way out...

              Hi Lovely!

              How are you doing today? Please keep checking in so we can help you and get to know you better. We're here for you!

              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

