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Starting out- my story

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    Starting out- my story

    Ok this is going to sound long winded. I have to get drinking in control as one way and another it has ruined my life.

    The story so far... I'm a mother of 2 teens. My husband died 3 years ago of cancer. I was a heavy but not uncontrolled drinker. I met a man and fell in love. He was a daytime couple of V&T's (but very large) drinker then lots of wine. All was going well but at weekends I started drinking in the day when I was with him. The relationship had some bumps, I had an accident and was signed off work(not alcohol related). I started on the wine as soon as the kids went to school and reached 3 bottles of wine a day within 2 months. We went on holiday and the boyfriend was on 2 double rums in his hot chocolate at 10.30 am. 2 bottles of wine at lunch. He started getting controlling and in response I drank. Unlike him who would just go to bed leaving me to look after the kids in the afternoon I would be OK and then crash and get pissed in the evening. We rowed, he blamed my drinking, my response was stupid and I just got more stressed. Eventually I got done for drink driving (ironically my drink was spiked, I'd only had one small wine but it was at a meeting with his ex and the CCTV shows she put a double vod in my drink). I've lost my job, the relationship has ended (thank god except for not seeing his kids anymore). I'm at risk of losing my house. is my fault I foolishly got myself with an idiot and reacted badly to it. I tried tapering but couldn't get off the wine. I like wine. So progress so far - Sunday 3 bottles of wine, Monday 1 bottle of wine and 5 beers, Tuesday 1 bottle of wine and 3 beers. Aim for today 1/2 bottle of wine and 3 beers. Aiming to get to glass of wine a day with 3 AF days a week. I never got withdrawal until I read about it, now have panic attacks thinking about it. I think I've talked myself into withdrawal symptoms.

    Starting out- my story

    Hi Jelly and welcome. Some men just do it for you dont they. Been in one of those relationships and got out of it thank god. Now enjoying single life for four years. The drinking well yes us alco's do very well with drinking, very well indeed.

    If i may say, my plan would be to have a day AF to start with. Yes the withdrawals are not a happy event but we did this to ourselves so we have to expect some sort of body retaliation.

    I was a two bottle of wine, 7 day a week girl, drank by myself, hid the bottles, went to work, held down a job, came home and drank. I still have my job thank god. I have done 11 days AF 2 years ago and just awhile ago about 40 days. Now my daughter is getting married and i am drinking but not what i used to. Do I want to drink NO i dont. Why am i drinking, stress, my mother being here for two months, mother of the bride. Mum loves her wines everynight, i find it a struggle as i dont really want to drink, i am over it. You sound over it.

    I like my wine too but its like having a friend that you tolerate, you want them in your life but you dont really as you would be so better off without them.

    The only aim I would go for is one day at a time and dolly steps. Everyone is different with withdrawals. Not drinking is so much better than pouring the poison down your throat.

    Best of luck and stay on here.
    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


      Starting out- my story

      Thank you! I was having a panic and nearly poured a glass. I didn't but knowing it is there seems to be helping. last night for the first time in ages I stopped before I had drunk everything in the house. I'm feeling loads better already, eating properly (although I don't do breakfast but snack at 10am but I've been like that since a kid as I don't like to rush food). Head and skin clearer already. AF is just to scary for me just yet. Kids have noticed already that I've cut back but I don't want them to keep asking about my progress as in the past that has made me worse. Off to scrub the kitchen floor as a distraction. Thanks you xxx


        Starting out- my story

        Welcome. It's a good thing you are no longer in that relationship he was a bad influence on you. Make a fresh start now. Keep busy keep strong x
        Drink free since 18 August 2013:h


          Starting out- my story

          Welcome Jellybean!
          I had to laugh about your comment regarding not worrying about withdrawal until you read about it. My advice to everyone here is DO NOT Google your will put all kinds of ideas into your head. I swear I can convince myself I have some random swamp disease if I think about it hard enough!
          Anyway, it's good you've found us. I am a single mother of one teen, and I can tell you that I love being single. I'm glad you got out of that damaging relationship. Now you can focus on YOU. I wouldn't go into that much detail with your kids...YET...just take it a day at a time and see how it goes. If you can taper down slowly you should be fine. The physical effects of alcohol only last 2-3 days...then you have to buckle down and focus on the mental aspect....and that's why we are here, to help you do just that.
          Head over to the Newbies Nest, it's big and busy but don't get overwhelmed. We are here to help you. Stick close!
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Starting out- my story

            Welcome Jellybean,
            Glad you are out of that relationship and glad you're making the choice to become alcohol free!

            For now, if you can stay busy with doing productive things like you are doing, that will certainly help. Take it one day at a time and break it into even smaller time segments if necessary. One hour, etc.,

            Al is poison in every aspect. Poison to our minds and bodies and causes us to do such weird and incredibly insane things we would never have done sober. And the impact it has on our self-esteem keeps us in the dumps which is exactly where it wants us.

            Read through these posts and chime in when you can. It really does help. We're all in this together and here to help one another beat this demon out of our lives.

            As the senior members will tell you - you have to make a plan to stay AF. Look at the Tool box for ways to do this (look for posts from Byrdlady and No Sugar for the link to the tool box). You'll find all kinds of info in there.

            Stay busy, stay active, hydrate, eat well and make daily plans if need be. You can beat this!


              Starting out- my story

              Hi Jellybean! You're making great progress. Keep it goin'. I know the thoughts of how my son has seen me in the past make me cringe. But we can't change that, only the present. Today. Keep making baby steps. You can do this!
              Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                Starting out- my story

                Jellybean - welcome and glad you are here. I'm with K9 - the minute I look up a disease, I have it, so please just don't go there. My only words of advice from experience are think about you, not him. Post often. We are here.
                Everything is going to be amazing


                  Starting out- my story

                  Hi Jellybean (love your name)
                  How are you doing today?
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

