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The 20-30 year olds Group

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    The 20-30 year olds Group

    I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread for any lurkers on here who are around my age; 20 to 30 years old.

    It is a tough age to try and give up alcohol (well, it's tough full stop) - but it seems our generation is hell bent on binge drinking and it being the thing to do. There are no regrets, and the worse our drunkenness the funnier the story.

    So tag along in here with your trials and tribulations if you are of age

    The 20-30 year olds Group

    Hi Londoner,
    I'm well over that age, but I think this is a good idea to coax some of these youngsters into controlling or abstaining if possible. Having quite a few friends in this age group, I look at them and see me 20 years ago heading down a very destructive path. I would give anything to know then what I know now about how al has darn near ruined my life.

    Hope you get some good response to this thread. If you need a 58 year old to chime in and verify the devastating effects al can have on your health, your finances, your relationships, your career, your life in general, please let me know and I'll post my 2 cents! Sadly, I have stories to cover all these areas.


      The 20-30 year olds Group

      Hi Sanchez,

      Thanks for dropping in - anyone with the experience will be of great value to us younger guys. Alcohol is marketed is being a relaxation and a life enhancer.

      I remember my first time drunk at the age of 16. Everyone was laughing, it gave me status. I could socialise without anxiety.

      But, my word. I have crippled myself financially in the past 9 years. I would easily spend ?100 in a night on booze related activites. That has bounced up to ?200 in the last year as I have headed to later and later nights out.

      I have realised I have not actually built any solid relationships. I would be so drunk on nights out that I would be there in body but not in mind - that is not socialising.

      So, yes - any advice would be great.



        The 20-30 year olds Group

        Londoner, so glad you started this thread! I wasted my 20's and most of my 30's being wasted. Hindsight, eh? I honestly KNOW how much more life I would have enjoyed had I been sober. I know a lot of people NOW who didn't drink during that time.-- wish I would have known them then! I hope some others join in!!


          The 20-30 year olds Group

          This is a great idea for a thread Londoner! I hope you get some people within your age group, I think it really helps when you can identify with each other.

          Like Sanchez, I am a "bit" older...but here to support you if you need an old lady to chime in now and then! :H Good luck and I'll keep an eye on you :l
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            The 20-30 year olds Group

            Old lady here too. I didn't waste my 20s and 30s but I started using AL in a very habit forming way to cope with all sorts of things. I agree that it's hard to control when it's part of the culture and social life. Work hard, play hard etc etc. AL abuse is insidious and creeps up - not just on binge drinkers- but also on social drinkers and imbibers of fine wines.
            In my country NZ mAny think young people are just binge drinkers and will grow out of it
            Not true.
            Good luck and if us senior alkies can help give us a shout
            We are rarely shocked!


              The 20-30 year olds Group

              It will be interesting to see how many people here are in this age group.

              Seems not many people my age are concerned with their drinking. Maybe I'm old before my time


                The 20-30 year olds Group

                Londoner thankyou! seeing someone else young helped get the courage to register. Recently ruined my relationship of 5 years after one broken promise too many. Was forever sorry and "never going to happen again", binge drinking prompted poor decisions over and over again. I'm here, ready to get better properly.


                  The 20-30 year olds Group

                  I'm 21 and a student and I really want to give up drinking but it's so difficult because it feels like my identity is the fun, drunk one, and I really rely on alcohol to socialise. The problem is, when I get drunk now I lose all sense of social awareness; I'm loud, I argue, I ramble, I bitch - it feels like all the problems in my personal life get tangled up with this drunk persona which then wreaks havoc with my life and friends, and I rarely remember what I've said or done when I'm drunk, but I know that it's been bad.

                  I feel like without alcohol it's really difficult to have a good time on nights out etc. Initially I managed alcohol really well but now it's becoming a problem for me. My dad had problems with alcohol and drugs and I really don't want to go down the same path. Has anyone got any advice on how to tackle this at University? I don't want to make myself the centre of attention or have people wondering why I've given up, as I feel like this will just prompt me to drink more - especially as most of my friends drink regularly and I don't think they'd understand.


                    The 20-30 year olds Group

                    Hi Sobur & Fifi. Welcome aboard

                    Fifi - you sound like me at uni so much. Whenever I was out I was blind drunk. And the problem was that was all me and my friends did at uni - go out to the clubs. My football socials were alcohol related. Everything was about getting blind drunk. I ended up in fights, doing embarassing things, ruining 'friendships' with things I said. Uni was a blur. I got a 2:1 with the bare minimum. Brain fog all the time. Missing lectures because I felt so rough from the night before. Locking myself away due to anxiety of what I had done the night before. Skint all of the time. My performance at sport dropped because I was abusing my body.

                    My friends would socialise during the week but I would always have an excuse not to go out if drink was not involved. Basically my life involved lectures, sitting on a playstation or PC, work, football, drinking or hungover. I thought I was being social, but in hindsight I was not.

                    Guys, alcohol has ruined my potential for 9 years now. Don't let it ruin yours.


                      The 20-30 year olds Group

                      30 Great Reasons to Quit Drinking Alcohol

            [/video]] Great Reasons to Quit
                      Newbies Nest
                      My accountability thread


                        The 20-30 year olds Group

                        Londoner;1581959 wrote: It will be interesting to see how many people here are in this age group.

                        Seems not many people my age are concerned with their drinking. Maybe I'm old before my time
                        let's say wiser before your time...
                        Liberated 5/11/2013


                          The 20-30 year olds Group

                          I'm with Sam - you are just smarter, that's all. OMG - wish I had been as wise as you in my 20s or 30s. Could have saved a lifetime of sorrow. Good job, Londoner - hope this group takes off Backing out now, but best of luck.

                          xx, MossRose
                          Everything is going to be amazing


                            The 20-30 year olds Group

                            Londoner -
                            I think you may be wise beyond your years. There doesn't seem to be a huge group of 20-30-somethings. Speaking from experience, I didn't have a "problem" when I was that young (right!!).

                            Good for you that you've taken a stand against the Beast at such an early age. I could have saved myself A LOT of money, angst and days in jail if only I'd been as smart as you!

                            Keep up your good work.

                            Senior Citizen K9
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              The 20-30 year olds Group

                              It's good to have a couple of younger folk on here.

                              Saturday is here and this is my day that I tend to crack on. But not today

                              I think the fact that I have spent way too much money recently is a good thing. It will limit me in what I can do. I am going to treat myself to a succulent rib eye steak for lunch and work my ass off on my new project for work.

                              A week of no sugar, good exercise & sleep and no booze has rekindled that positive mindset I tasted a while back.

                              I am going to transmutate this energy into productivity - article and book writing, program writing, reading, marketing.

                              The way I see it from here is, if I work my ass of till I am 30 (5 years) I still have plenty of time to build a new life. Life starts at 30 these days I think

