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The 20-30 year olds Group

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    The 20-30 year olds Group

    Hi Londoner
    Just an 'ol wan from the Army Thread popping in to say hello :wavin:
    and to keep your thread with the rest :thumbs:
    You are soooo wise for your years and I wish you well recognising the problem & claiming your life back from alcohol at such an early age.
    I've said before that the younger posters here have, I believe, a tougher time than the rest of us - as they normally have to 'socialise' more and we all know what that means :egad:.
    Running Courage was one of our Army friends and I am sorry he's not around to share his experiences with you.

    FROGLET !! (his name - long story) come & talk to Londy


      The 20-30 year olds Group

      Just a declaration of intent.

      I am aiming for 90 days of no alcohol as my first step.

      As I said, for me everything is intertwined - sleep, work, mood, alcohol, exercise, nutrition, sugar etc.

      I have not gone that long without alcohol since I was 18, but I think 3 months is a good time to start to let the body, mind and soul to acclimatise to real life again.

      It's funny - I've always had a thought process in my head when ever I try an AF spell. That is I have always thought ahead to the next time I can go back to the same club to get wasted. That is something I have to change from here - I have to think forward to a new, different and better life. And use that mindset now - as if I never used drink as a comfort.


        The 20-30 year olds Group

        8 days AF? Awesome! I hope we can attract some people your age here but it seems that some of us took a lot longer than you to realize we needed to change our ways. You're smart to recognize it now.
        Newbies Nest
        My accountability thread


          The 20-30 year olds Group

          Londoner, I have been thinking about you. I don't know if you know, but I have been going to AA recently. I have been amazed at the amount of under 25-30s I have met there. The guy who chaired the last meeting I was at was 25, two years sober.

          He's not the only one. I have met at least a dozen die hard AA members in that age group, and a lot of people who started AA at that age.

          The common theme for me seems to be that the younger you are, the harder you fall, or throw yourself into it. The older guys and gals with years of sobriety talk about progression, whereas the younger ones talk about going into 'freefall' usually with AL and some recreational drugs.

          I don't really know where I am going with this, it's just an observation. I thought you might find it helpful. I wish you well with this thread, I think t's a great idea. Good on you buddy
          Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


            The 20-30 year olds Group

            So another relapse at the weekend. My worst one yet. I went out Saturday midday and didn't get home until Monday 1am. Ridiculous, dangerous. Full of paranoia.

            I have distanced myself from here for a few days as I feel so guilty of following this cycle.

            I really, really want to live a normal life This past few months have been a complete waste and a complete blur.

            I need to give up.

            And if that means acutally turning down all social situations for x amount of time, so be it.

            Only I can change this shitty life I am living at the moment. Only I can seek out healthy situations. Only I am putting the drink down my neck.

            After this weekend, I fear for myself somewhat. I see how easily you can end up off the rails. I am either going to wind up dead, beaten up in an alley somewhere or with serious physical/mental health problems.

            Oh well, that horrible 2 week slog again before I start feeling remotely normal again.


              The 20-30 year olds Group

              I have finally come to the stark realisation that I am an alcoholic. The way in which I use it shows that. I will never have a healthy relationship with the substance.

              It needs to be complete abstinence.

              And maybe I needed this rock bottom at the weekend to sort myself out. Cannot go back to how I was this weekend. And it will happen again if I drink.

              IT NEEDS TO GO.


                The 20-30 year olds Group

                I am the same way londoner. i am 22 ( almost 23) and as much as i would love to be able to "drink like a normal person" i know in my heart that its not going to happen. I am glad you are going to keep trying.
                ?That's the problem with drinking,
                If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
                if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
                and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
                ― Charles Bukowski
                Days AF: 13 :h


                  The 20-30 year olds Group

                  Hey Loveless - great to see another younger member on here


                    The 20-30 year olds Group

                    I have finally come to the stark realisation that I am an alcoholic. The way in which I use it shows that. I will never have a healthy relationship with the substance.
                    It's a hard thing to admit to yourself, eh? I am sorry you are feeling so rotten. Admitting it was hard for me, but at least now I know what I am dealing with. I hope you feel better and succeed in your plan for total abstinence.
                    Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                      The 20-30 year olds Group

                      Yes, it just goes to show that al affects people of all ages, classes, etc. How old are you Londoner? just keep on trying. like us can never drink like a "normal person". I figured that out over and over but just didnt want to admit it to myself, and i ended up whhere i am now. the sooner we accept that, the sooner we can move forward. ((Hugs))
                      ?That's the problem with drinking,
                      If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
                      if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
                      and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
                      ― Charles Bukowski
                      Days AF: 13 :h


                        The 20-30 year olds Group

                        Agreed Loveless.

                        I'm 25 - it's just no fun any more. I'm meant to be more responsible at this age, but if anything I am less so.

                        Good to have you on board. How long AF are you?


                          The 20-30 year olds Group

                          I am not af currently...I just joined a few days ago, i want to stop now but last time I had al withdrawal I had a seizure and ended up in the hospital, so i need to wait a week for my doctors appt or else i might die. everyday i wake up shaking until i drink somethng. My son is only 3 but i think he is starting to understand what im doing...
                          ?That's the problem with drinking,
                          If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget;
                          if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate;
                          and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.?
                          ― Charles Bukowski
                          Days AF: 13 :h


                            The 20-30 year olds Group

                            Oh hey loveless glad to see you found your way here. I hope you guys can find others in your age group. Keep bumping the thread up. Best wishes to you both.
                            Newbies Nest
                            My accountability thread

