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Friday night struggle

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    Friday night struggle

    Day 5 did great all week working out everyday plus Zumba working and keeping
    Busy but now it's Friday night ! Gggrrr having a very hard time tonight
    it doesn't help that I live in Canada's wine capital! Friggin winery's every
    Few km

    Friday night struggle


    I'm having a Friday night thought or two, also. Get to the fridge and eat, eat, eat. Drink a large glass of some water. Go for a walk (away from the wineries). Call a friend. Try Candy Crush (a new addiction). I believe it is K-9 who says it so well, you'll never regret NOT drinking tonight. We're here for each other. You can do this!


      Friday night struggle

      And remember how you felt the morning after your last drunk. Don't want to feel like that again, right?!


        Friday night struggle

        Hi L123. Welcome and glad you have joined us. The first weekend is the hardest. Stay close to us and keep posting. As Pavati said, make sure you eat until you are full. It's very important. It stops cravings. Hope to get to know you better.
        Everything is going to be amazing


          Friday night struggle

          I'm right there with you. This is a huge trigger for me and I know it. Weekends are the toughest. I thought about this late in the work day. For years, I've drunk on Friday and Sat. nights. Years and years. So of course I'm going to feel that sting. But that's all it is is a sting. Pavati is right. WE won't regret this tomorrow. We will feel so great and get our weekend chores done without feeling like crap. And MossRose said it! EAT! I even had dessert tonight. Yum!
          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


            Friday night struggle

            A craving will never last as long as a hangover! Ride it out. Eat some candy. Read a book. Take a bath. Just get through it tonight and you'll be that much stronger tomorrow. You'll never wake up in the morning wishing you'd drank the night before.
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Friday night struggle

              Me too - 6:30 here and I am signing on and off here waiting for the witching hour to pass - I live in N Ca wine counrty as well - it shouts at me everywhere I go...
              I am determined not to let AL beat me though and we will all get through tonight and be so dang happy tomorrow morning!
              We can do this, and we will!!!!
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                Friday night struggle

                :thanks::thanks:Yep filled up on hot wings!! Love hot sauce and I drink lemon water all day I carry a bottle filled with it
                Everywhere I go I have nothing in the house to drink and all I have to do is not get in the truck thanks everyone . I have a long list of things for myself to do this weekend


                  Friday night struggle

                  Does anyone know how long it takes to get the supplements ? I'm in BC canada And ordered 6 days ago
                  I could sure use them now


                    Friday night struggle

                    Where do the supplements come from ? I thought
                    I saw Alaska?


                      Friday night struggle

                      Hang in there. I am used to drinking on Friday and Saturday as well, so I mentally had to remind myself that I wouldn't be curling up on my couch to watch crap television tonight with beers.
                      AF: 11/7/13


                        Friday night struggle

                        It gets easier, promise. I go through whole weekends now without thinking about it. The more weekends you get under your belt, the easier it gets. You'll start to love having a choice about how you spend your downtime (not in - or recovering from - an alcohol induced haze).


                          Friday night struggle

                          Hi Lib123, by now it will have passed and you will be so proud of yourself, the first weekend, Christmas, birthday (or any day with a "y" in it in my case :blush: ) are hell but once you've got through them you start to feel good about yourself again. Try and focus on the positives, Monday mornings are horrid anyway but they are easier to face if you're not doing it hungover, I love watching the heavy drinkers come crawling in around 10am looking like shit (and no doubt feeling like it too :H), bitchy? of course

                          Indulge yourself other ways, movies, chocolate, candle lit baths or if all else fails find something to clean, any distraction will do!

                          Have a great AF weekend and :welcome:

                          AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                            Friday night struggle

                            How are you doing, Liberte?


                              Friday night struggle

                              I don't know where the supplements ship from, but Eloise just posted about this in the holistic section. I believe she said it took just over a week for them to ship. As an aside, I still use the supps everyday, and really believe they help.
                              Everything is going to be amazing

