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The Perfect Day 1

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    The Perfect Day 1

    A perfect day to have as day 1 is what I think a lot of us were or are waiting for. I know I was: the first day of a new year, the first day of a new month, or at least, the first day of a new week. And, best if it was not the same week as a holiday or family birthday, or a big challenge at work, or stressful visitors, or? I?m sure you get my point. There is always a seemingly rational and justifiable reason not to begin.

    When I found MWO in the middle of last January, I lurked for awhile and started to get interested in this approach but it occurred to me that since my day 1 couldn?t be 1/1/2013, maybe next year... Some active posters had that date in their signatures and I thought they were so lucky to have started ? too bad for me, I had missed my chance. Well, maybe on February 1 I could start, but?well, I just can?t imagine how I would make it through the dark, cold days without some sort of refuge? Spring ? yes, that will be a time of New Beginnings. That would be a perfect time to start.

    Now what kind of thinking is that? That is the messed up mind of someone who is looking for any possible excuse not to quit drinking.

    If you?re lurking or have joined but not yet decided on the perfect day 1 or need to start again, don?t over-think this ? there is no perfect day to begin and there never will be.
    Today might be as good as your drinking life is ever going to be.

    Just begin now. If you haven?t had a drink today, today is day 1; if you have, dump the rest, and tomorrow is. These days will be no better and no worse than any fantasized perfect day 1. It is never going to be convenient.

    My day 1 was a Thursday towards the end of a month. The preceding Wednesday had been much like any other day ? no better and no worse. There was no rock bottom or ?near miss? ? I just decided to jump in. My plan was simple: Don?t drink. Otherwise, I had no idea what I was doing but had blind faith in myself and what I thought MWO offered.


    Find a couple people ahead of you that you trust and can relate to and do what they do. Ask them questions on the boards or by PMs. Anyone who is actively posting here is interested in helping anyone who wants it. Find a buddy or two who are quitting at the same time. Encourage one another and be willing to take and receive constructive criticism. After awhile, find some people who are a bit behind you and try to help bring them along ? you?ll also be helping yourself.

    Start now ? don?t wait for 1/1/2014! By then you?ll be heading for 2 months AF ? you?ll be one of the people welcoming and helping those who decide that the first of the year is the perfect day to start their AF lives. And all the best to them! But you?re reading this NOW ? there is no reason to wait to jump in and get this done. Don't think about it - just do it.

    You will always be able to convince yourself that ?now isn?t the time? so you have to take the leap of faith and let what is offered here make it turn out to have been your perfect day 1.

    :h NS

    The Perfect Day 1

    Wow what an awesome thread nosugar! i hope it inspires at least one person to just do it!
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      The Perfect Day 1

      I LOVE this! Nothing could be more true. Thank you for writing it, NS.:h


        The Perfect Day 1

        No truer words, NoSugar! I also started on a Thursday...I'd been trying since Jan 2010 and 2 New Years had come and gone. Tomorrow never comes in our world, there is just no better time to start than now. Do whatever it takes to get thru this day without drinking....then rinse and repeat!

        We can always find some reason to delay the decision, but you'd be surprised what can be done when you put your mind to it.

        Thank you so this thread, if it helps one person get off this hamster wheel, it'll have done the job!! Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          The Perfect Day 1

          Great post - just do it!
          Last drink 6th September 2013


            The Perfect Day 1

            NS - as always, completely spot on. I hope all the lurkers out there realize that waiting for the perfect time will only cause them to waste days, months or perhaps years of their life. I did it and deeply regret it now. You are so right, any day is a good Day 1. You inspire me.
            Everything is going to be amazing


              The Perfect Day 1

              I completely agree and was just thinking similar today. If I'd waited it would have been 'I won't quit yet cos of Christmas/New Year'. Then it would be (as you say) because of the long, dark winter and how could I possibly manage without? Then it would be my birthday, then because it's summer ... hell, I would happily 'celebrate' it being 4pm on a Tuesday! Any excuse.

              I also began on a Thursday - there was no forward planning, I just woke up hungover and thought that I had to go for it. I think setting a quit date for people like us probably doesn't work well, you just have to grab the bull by the horns without thinking too much.


                The Perfect Day 1

                Great post!!
                I started on a Sunday... The morning after the night before... I didn't want to wait another moment.
                AF since Halloween 2016

                Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


                  The Perfect Day 1

                  NoSugar;1583496 wrote: If you?re lurking or have joined but not yet decided on the perfect day 1 or need to start again, don?t over-think this ? there is no perfect day to begin and there never will be. Today might be as good as your drinking life is ever going to be.
                  Good post NS !

                  Funny that as I got to the end of your second paragraph I was thinking "Boy..sure is overthinking this" .. then you go and say it yourself.

                  When I was reading all the hundreds of posts within my first 48 hours at MWO I got the feeling that the reason why a lot of people waited until Monday to start was so they would have 5 days to get ready for their trigger happy weekend. I remember thinking that it didnt make much sense. Why wait till monday.. then the possible cave on Saturday ..then wait another week to get ready again..then start again..Rinse and Repeat.

                  Your absolutely right in my mind. There is no day like today. Its one more day closer to freedom than tomorrow.
                  Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
                  AF: 9-10-2013


                    The Perfect Day 1

                    great post NS!!!! And how I did the same thing. Always thinking of the perfect start date. Up to the time I did quit (20 days ago) it was a few days prior to that that I decided I'd had enough. Wasn't even planning or thinking about it too much. I'd quit before, but never without much thought about the day, time, second!
                    Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


                      The Perfect Day 1

                      Thanks no sugar
                      no other words are truer than that.
                      ok.....i will no longer TRY again
                      i will just DO IT
                      I just won't anymore


                        The Perfect Day 1

                        WOW, Im kind of at a loss for words, except that if MWO had some sort of archives for a Top Ten list......THIS would be in it! Well done, and yes the perfect day one is right here, right now
                        Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                        DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                          The Perfect Day 1

                          Great post No Sugar! It was exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you.


                            The Perfect Day 1

                            Wow, did I wait a long time for my perfect day. Of course there is no perfect day because AL will always help us make an excuse. I have 28 direct family members who live near (parents, siblings, kids, nieces and nephews) and who always want to celebrate a birthday - I would NEVER quit if I waited for the best time. The best time is now. Thanks for your wisdom as always.


                              The Perfect Day 1

                     it...very wise words
                              ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h

