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    Hate this.


    Hate this.

    Hey Kate - I do understand. Good for you for being here. There is so much wonderful support here. Lots of good tools to use. I know exactly what you're going thru. It helps that we all have been there & know what you are talking about.

    Stick close here. Read & read and post & post. It does help.:h
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Hate this.


      Welcome. You've come to a good spot for support. I surely don't judge you. I did tons and tons of stupid stuff when I drank like a fool. When I started on here I read lots of threads. I found the people who gave solid advice and I read their threads. I PMed them if I wanted extra support. I suggest this for you.

      I had good and bad times drinking. I quit twice for a year or more each time. Then I drank and passive/aggressively mouthed off to a guy I was getting to know. That's when I decided I'd had enough of my drinking. It's been a wonderful 11 months of sobriety.

      I wish a good way out for you.


        Hate this.

        Hi Katie. Welcome. Thanks for sharing your story. Believe me, no one here will judge you. We all have similar stories. You are here, and that's a great first step. I'm impressed that you had a year AF time. So you know you can do it. But, I understand - it only takes a couple drinks to tumble down the rabbit hole again. The black outs are worrisome though. That's when I got serious about quitting. Black outs = disaster. At least they did in my case. It sounds like you feel the same way.

        As far as telling your husband...that's a tough one, and a very personal decision. I guess my only advice would be to get some sober time under your belt, and then decide what is the right thing for you. Hang in there. Glad you are here. Stop by the newbies nest when you get a chance. It's very busy and can be intimidating, but just jump in. The support there is amazing. xx
        Everything is going to be amazing


          Hate this.

          Katiedid722;1583503 wrote: Please no judgments here
          Hi Katiedid and welcome to MWO

          You will not find judgement here .. you might find the occasional opinion..or even "motherly" advice but no judgement. Your in a great Forum with Very caring people that will watch your back.

          I agree that telling your husband is a Very Personal move. If you dont feel like it then its probably wise not to right now. I dont know how well its going to go over if you wait too long though. Personally I told my soon to be X that if she ever was with someone else to just tell me. But Im not the kind of person to go ballistic for something like that. I would want to know so I could discuss things out ( hell were only human ). I wouldn't want someone else living with that kind of guilt (associated with me) to hold it in. I would much rather they get it out and move on. But thats just how I feel..your hubby is a different person so call your own on that one.

          Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
          AF: 9-10-2013

