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MWO vs. real life.

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    MWO vs. real life.

    Hi MR- I already consider you a leader here at MWO because you are so honest and raw and sincere in and with your journey. This IMO is he biggest obstacle to sobriety and one in which I have seen you climbing over again and again.
    Here is yet another hurtle I see you flying over just by posting and being mindful.

    2 things struck me immediately from your post and I think lend evidence and perspective to what you already know..
    First , your friend and on, no mater how close and loving will never get it. They can't. It's just not possible. When I figured that out about the well meaning people round me, I let go of a lot of anger and doubt about what was happening to me. My husband grew up with an alcoholic dad and he still doesn't get it... But that's okay. You guys do...:h

    Second- you will never get sober on their terms. No way, Jose..not today, not tomoorw , not in your or their lifetimes and if that is truly their expectation / hope for you, they need to ,prepare themselves for disappointment ...none of us here can get sober for anyone else...including our family here on MWO.

    MossRose;1583617 wrote:
    I My friends and family, bless their hearts, just don't get it. . But, they want me sober on their terms.. xx,
    I think everyone's posts here clarifies each dimension of this struggle for you. I can only add that I understand the bond between you and your son, how painful it's been. I can only think that he justs wants 'it' to be done, over, resolved and that you become the 'mom/person' he fantasizes about. I think we all have our fantasy person. You know I do about my own know the struggle and pain there.

    And It's almost impossible to let go of that picture...but we have to. They
    do. It's the only way to give them that 'real' life they want you to have...

    We love you Mossy. :l:h
    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


      MWO vs. real life.

      Ditto to what everyone else said! If this place helps you not to lift a drink, then stick around! :l
      Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


        MWO vs. real life.

        There really are no words to describe how much your thoughtfulness and support mean to me. I've re-read every post carefully, and am overwhelmed. Your advice is solid as always, but it is so much more than that. Regretfully, many of my relationships in real life have not been very nurturing, so I am not accustomed to this level of kindness. This is something new to me since joining MWO. But I must say - It's all good. Real friends. Real support. I now have a blueprint for how I want to relate to others in this life. One more thing you have all taught me. Thank you so much.
        Everything is going to be amazing


          MWO vs. real life.

          Hey experience has been that I spend every second here sometimes then not so much...then back here again...and it's pretty much because here is where I can be honest am feeling increasingly safe. Someone said a few posts back that you don't just take from give loads too...and you help. If being here helps and keeps you AF...then it's real and valuable. Xx
          ...peace and quiet....and a cup of tea.....heaven:h

