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HI I am a new comer

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    HI I am a new comer

    Hi all

    I just found this web site...guess you figured it out I was asking Jeeves about how one can give up drinking and up popped this web site. My addiction is wine. all kinds of red wine.
    I enjoy a glass when I get home from work and then continue to drink until I go to bed.
    I feel its time to get a handle on this and not drink as much.

    Ocean Girl ::new:

    HI I am a new comer

    Welcome Ocean Girl,

    I do the same thing, every day. I'm new here too and waiting on the Topamax to arrive in the mail so I can get started full force.

    Read the book then decide what parts of the program are right for you. Also go through these forums and see how many people that there are who you can relate to. You will be amazed.

    Good Luck:welcome:
    If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


      HI I am a new comer

      Welcome Ocean! This is a great place. I would recommend reading the book, trying the supplements (especially the kudzu sold here) and maybe even the CDs. Between that and the support found here I am much better than I was a year ago. Wishing you the best!!!!:welcome:
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        HI I am a new comer

        Hi Ocean Girl and welcome to our community. I recommend the kudzu found on this site as well....I recommend all the supps actually.
        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


          HI I am a new comer


          You'll find lots of help both here and in the book. Hypnosis works wonders too, just remember to be consistant in listening to the tapes....oh and listening to them while drunk doesn't work (trust me on this!)

          Suddenly I see
          This is what I want to be
          suddenly I see
          Why the hell it means so much to me.

          -KT Tunstall


            HI I am a new comer

            Welcome Ocean Girl...I am a red wine drinker myself...17 days AF today...never thoguth I woudl say that or see the day. Keep coming, read, is a great place to be!


              HI I am a new comer

              Hi Ocean Girl, (neat name) and welcome:welcome:

              Yep, good old wine aye? It's always good until you are always having it, then it all becomes a bit much - been there alright.

              Glad that you found the site, how amazing that 'ask jeeves' has it listed - I have never used that search engine......will have to in future.

              Anyway, good to have you here!! You have definately started at he right place.


              Sober since 30/06/10


                HI I am a new comer

                Welcome ocean girl, lovely people full of support and no judgement, yes you can openly spill your beans here . Good luck.


                  HI I am a new comer

                  Hi Ocean,
                  Welcome onboard. Its good to have you here and look forward to hearing more from you.
                  Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


                    HI I am a new comer

                    Hi Ocean

                    Welcome. I Haven't gotton any books/tapes I found that just chatting to everyone is better than the books, people being there for you at anytime in the day or night. Just keep on chatting.

                    Cheers DebH


                      HI I am a new comer


                      :welcome: Ocean Girl - Maybe not the way you anticipated meeting a whole bunch of new friends, but it's great to have you with us

                      Your story is mine - red wine after work until falling 'asleep' in front of the TV. Wake up 2/3am stumble to bed and face the morning with yet another bunch of regrets and new promises. This site has made the promises become a reality, so I hope you find as much support, inspiration, friendship and guidance to help you reach your goals! Keep visiting; read, read, read; arm yourself as necessary with 'tools' to support, be determinded and strong and if your desire to change comes deep from within your very being, then you'll do it!

                      Warmest wishes and Good luck!
                      :rays: Arial

                      Last first day - 15th April 2012
                      Days 1-7 DONE
                      Days 8-14 DONE
                      Days 15-21 DONE
                      30 days DONE
                      60 days
                      100 days


                        HI I am a new comer

                        Welcome ocean girl

                        Glad you found us. Talk about a great group of people. I think I found the site the same way, but was probably using google instead of ask jeves. Regardless, I am so happy about it. I look forward to reading your post. :welcome:

                        Ariel. Thanks for the kind words on the other thread.
                        where does this go?


                          HI I am a new comer

                          Welcome ocean!!...You have come to the right place....I love Red Wine myself...along with the old Vodka and a few other things.....when I want it...but Red Wine is probably my fave....
                          I'm on my 8th day Alcohol Free (AF) right now thanks to the methods discussed on this site. I haven't been AF for that long for well over 10 years now but this program works! Stick around, read the posts and ask questions when you have them. Make sure to get the book and read it it is a very easy read and very informative.

                          :boxer:Failure is NOT an option! :boxer:


                            HI I am a new comer

                            Welcome Ocean:welcome: This concept was founded by RJ and has spelled it out quite well in her book My Way Out, so I recommend the book and the suggested program there. The best part of the MWO program is this site and all the wonderful, caring people who post here.

                            Hope to see you soon.
                            Enlightened by MWO


                              HI I am a new comer

                              Hi Ocean Girl,


                              This is best site by far - I have now reached 7th day AF because of this site and all the goood advice these new friends of mine have been giving me and each other, my advice just read, read, read all the threads. Most of us can relate to each other in one way or another.
                              Good support is here,
                              Just believe - that's all you have to do


