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HI I am a new comer

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    HI I am a new comer

    oh and listening to them while drunk doesn't work (trust me on this!)


    hehehehe...that is a riot! I might have felt a little seasick!

    Welcome Ocean, I just got my book/CD/supps last night...still waiting on Topa. is my first day AF, looking at life with new eyes (and a slight headache after my last slow dance with Vodka last night). I, like other folks I've seen post, have swapped my addition somewhat to MWO.

    Happy days ahead,


    Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.

    Henry David Thoreau


      HI I am a new comer

      Welcome from Texas....I'm pretty new too, and I totally hear what you are saying, wine is my glass of destruction also....I thought I could moderate, and did for a bit, then fell flat, yesterday was a really bad day for me, but thanks to this site and all my supps, book, etc., I'm more optimistic today. The folks here are wonderful, makes it so much better to have support. You hang in there, and go to chat often too.....
      "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


        HI I am a new comer

        Welcome Ocean Girl! While I joined several months ago, I have only been serious about it for the past few weeks. I ordered the hypno cd's, and Kudzu, and am awaiting my Topa delivery. I was just kinda doing things hit or miss, not being consistent with anything. I think the key is committing to it, and I had not until recently. My drink of choice is also wine. I hope to be able to moderate with all the support from here. Good luck and keep posting!
        Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


          HI I am a new comer

          Hi, I am new here too, when i come in from work i drink till i go to bed, and i am trying to stop althogher


            HI I am a new comer

            Hi Ocean - yep Red Wine is my drink too! and your drinking pattern equates with mine - I frequently 'drink dial' too so piss off lots of people whilst I'm about it! It's taken me years to admit I have a problem because I've held down a highly successful job (I'm not in the gutter) and I don't drink until the evening but without a doubt Alcohol is "costing me more than money".

            Well done to you all so far and I hope I can keep this up!


              HI I am a new comer

              welcome ocean girl


                HI I am a new comer

                Welcome Ocean Girl,
                I, too, am a wine drinker - red in the cold weather, white in the warm (not so discriminatory)!! Tired of finding that when I open a bottle, I can't stop until it is gone or I have poured the last bit (very little bit) out. I have started the sups - got them locally and do think they may help. Planning to start the l-glut, too! Best of luck! You can do it!!


                  HI I am a new comer

                  Hi Ocean Girl,

                  I'm pretty much a Newbie too. White wine is my drink of choice--lots of it. I have purchased the MWO book (downloaded it). Got all of the supplements except for the Kudzu at a health food store. My kudzu and CDs arrived yesterday and I'm waiting on the topa. While I'm waiting, I am going to start on the supplements and do the tapes and try to stay away from that glass of wine after work.
                  Good luck to you. :welcome:
                  AF Since April 20, 2008
                  4 Years!!!

