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Cigarette vs alcohol can they co

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    Cigarette vs alcohol can they co

    There was a time when smoking was so hep and considered normal ..
    I have heard from so many elders that back in the days (70's) smoking was considered normal as if it's some having a chewing gum. I cannot digest the fact that during that during time people can smoke during flights. I have Flown in some real old planes and did notice the ash treys on the side but still though of a fellow passenger smoking in flight ....??? I cannot digest this fact ... What surprises me is that how they ever allowed this. How did they even though and actually implemented ash treys. Then I have seen old new channels, movies and documentaries where anchor have been puffing away their cigarettes ; news anchors - those smart and perfectly healthy models ... And puffing always cigarettes.

    Today it is un acceptable. We cannot accept an tv anchor smoking. Even smokers will not like it.

    Same way restaurants, hotels, bus stops, metros, airports all are supposed to be non smoking.

    There is a STRONG realisation that smoking is BAD. Tobacco kills...

    We now see signs of smoking not good for Heath with signs like it causes cancer with visual picture of Scorpio or snake is several countries.

    BUT I am yet to find a single bottle of wine or beer or scotch were government has made a mandate that they have to put similar symbol.

    I am yet to see flights AL free just like they are smoke free

    Will I see when I grow old a time when Al is considered bad as smoking is today ? In my life time ?

    When I grow old will I see AL the same way we are seeing smoking today ?
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    Cigarette vs alcohol can they co

    Pick your poison........Die from S arouses of the liver or lung cancer. It's go to AA meetings and everybody their is trying to stop drinking, but they're outside smoking like a freight train before the meetings. Oh well.....
    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
    Dr. Seuss


      Cigarette vs alcohol can they co

      I think the problem is if you are not a smoker you experience the secondary effects in an obvious and direct way I.e. Breathing in someone's smoke.

      Alcohol had much deeper and sinister secondary effects - such as violence. You don't actually drink someone else's drink.


        Cigarette vs alcohol can they co

        Rahulthesweet;1584621 wrote: Will I see when I grow old a time when Al is considered bad as smoking is today ? In my life time ?

        When I grow old will I see AL the same way we are seeing smoking today ?
        Yea..I dunno Rahul.. The way they keep taking our freedoms away you will probably see either no drinking or pay exuberant penalties on your "health care" insurance. Soon you wont be able to have sex in your own home..with your spouse without a certificate or some such crap.

        I personally think they took the smoking thing a bit too far. And they are not stopping with the paranoia pushing. I was puffing on my E-cig in front of the shopping mall a few months ago and still got mad dog glances from others.

        Careful what you wish for.


        PS. I was still smoking on the back "smoking section" of a plane in it hasnt been That long.
        Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
        AF: 9-10-2013


          Cigarette vs alcohol can they co

          Rahul - Well this elder does remember the 70s quite well, and yes we all smoked everywhere - at work, in restaurants, on planes, etc. If you can believe it, my high school actually had a student "smoking area" and that's where we took our breaks. Seems impossible to believe today, but it's the truth.

          I have no problem with the laws prohibiting smoking in public place. I agreed with them (even when I still smoked) - but I also think it has gone a bit too far. Light up a cigarette and folks glare at you like you are an axe murderer or something. There is very little compassion for smokers - who are simply battling an awful addiction.

          However, back to the point, you can't legislate behavior. People still smoke even with the endless laws governing when, where and how they can do it. During prohibition in the US, people found a way to get booze too. Now "they" are taking a long, hard look at what foods we should be able to consume. Like Dave said, where does it end?

          But, I think I get the real spirit of your post. I am certainly in favor of educating people, especially young people, to the risks of drinking. AL is glamorized in commercials, print ads and all over the Internet. Now that I think about it, I remember when cigarette ads were still legal. That was the first step in getting the public to willingly quit smoking - they banned the ads. there's a thought. Somehow, I don't think that would fly today. Those ads must bring in a fortune.
          Everything is going to be amazing


            Cigarette vs alcohol can they co

            We'll I don't smoke but I do drink. Bent when I compare both these two additions they are bad. When I compare these two addiction today and especially general attitude. Smoking is considered abnormal and drinking AL on every occasion is not only considered normal but encouraged !!

            I myself don't believe that laws brought about this change in attitude to smoking. Isn't there a general belief out there that smoking is not good ? How come a drunk considered so normal and abundantly made available reached this print ?

            We all are here and are having problems with AL can we imagine future maybe 30 years down the line when someone drinking a can of beer may not be considered abnormal ?
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              Cigarette vs alcohol can they co

              I for one would look forward to the day when drinking would be frowned upon like smoking is. Regardless of government regulation, the general attitude toward smoking has changed. It's the attitude toward drinking that has to change. When someone announces they are quitting smoking they are applauded, helped and encouraged. When some one announces they want to quit drinking they are labeled an alcoholic and made to feel like they are some kind of pariah in social situations. I still have some hope that it may happen. If you watch Madmen, a show based in the sixties, they drink all the time. They have a bar set up with bottles and bottles of liquor in their offices and everyone is offered a drink during business hours. Business drinking during office hours is not acceptable today. At least that's one thing that has changed. Maybe other changes will come along if we as a society see it for the poison it is.


                Cigarette vs alcohol can they co

                Rahul, Ironically I just received a post on facebook about that. So you know people are thinking about it, I too remember smoking on airplanes , at the bank etc etc. and now I feel even though I smoke still that it shouldn't be allowed everywhere, however, like gambler said, I think they have taken it a bit to far. But I too get disgusted every evening while watching TV with my favorite flavor of herbal tea, watching commercial after commercial of liquor being advertised. Its just not right!
                And your right peace, its a shame how people act towards alcoholism, maybe one day that will all change.
                Reflect upon your present blessingings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some


                  Cigarette vs alcohol can they co

                  [QUOTE=gambler;1584677]Yea..I dunno Rahul.. The way they keep taking our freedoms away you will probably see either no drinking or pay exuberant penalties on your "health care" insurance. Soon you wont be able to have sex in your own home..with your spouse without a certificate or some such crap.

                  Funny !! :goodjob:]
                  New life started on 1st May 2014, One day at a time I will work at continuing it forever!


                    Cigarette vs alcohol can they co

                    Darkest D., We'll be going back to the Dark Ages: When we needed to get permission from the king to have sex......( Pardon the wording: FUCK....meant: Fornication Under Consent King) Ya right....somethings you shouldn't legislate ! ha!
                    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                    Dr. Seuss

