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How Too - Post like a Pro pt.1

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    How Too - Post like a Pro pt.1

    ** for Windows Users **

    There has been some questions about "how too" (insert) so I thought I would put together a short tutorial on how the functionality of the Forum posting works. Lets get to it shall we

    "I lost my post .. grrrrr" This is frustrating for anyone who just spent an hour ticky tacking away.

    There are several ways you can fix this to where you Never loose a post.

    Click on the "Remember Me" check box right next to your user name field when you log in ! If you dont do this you are sure to loose a post sooner or later. Everyone gets side tracked in the middle writing up a post..eventually the site will boot you off if you dont have this checked off. Also make sure you "copy" your post into memory Before you click on that "Submit" button ! If something goes whacky you can save it into a text file on Notepad.

    Have Two MWO forum windows active at a time. ( I have 3 open at a time. Two of them are MWO forums and one is google ( used for spelling or looking up things while posting )). Make sure they are "windows" and not "tabs". Tabs are when each window are in the same "browser" window ( little boxes by your address bar ). So if you click on that upper right "x" then you loose everything and you will have to log in again. Having two MWO windows going lets you jump anywere on the site without leaving your Post Screen.

    Ok..we have one window open thats lets say "Newbies Nest Forum" (Never close this until your ready to log out). and also your "Reply" or "New Thread" window. See them at the bottom on your Task Bar ?. Ok good.

    Now we have a good amount of text up at this point we dont want to screw up and hit something to screw it up ( like the "Backspace" button ). Lets Save our text up to this point then. You can Right click on your mouse that will bring up a small option box. Click "Select All". This will Highlight your text body in blue. Ok good. Now we can Right Click again bringing up the same Option box and click on the "Copy" in the list or press "CTRL + C" to Copy. ( They both do the same thing so its up to you. Just Dont press "CTRL + V" or you will Paste your last saved text overwriting stick with the right click Copy method )

    Ok we just saved everything up to this point. We can continue on with our post or we can make double damn sure we dont loose it by saving it to a text file. ( I only do this when MWO Is acting up and Before I click the "Submit" button ) Open up Notepad. Right click in the open field. The option box comes up .. then click on "Paste". This will copy down all that you had written. Then just save the Notepad file to something and somewhere of your choosing.

    If you follow these steps you should never loose another post..ever. You could only loose anything that you typed out from the last "copy" that you did.

    Now lets get to the "Quoting" of other posts...

    There are two ways to do this. One is to Quote one post or you can quote multiple posts.

    If you look at the end of each persons post you will see Three "bubble buttons" on the Right side. One is "QUOTE" then " " " and then a "paper and pen" looking button ( forget about the last one..its useless ).

    Clicking on the "Quote
    " button will bring you to a Reply window with that persons post in it. You can Edit the post if you wish. just dont add to it .

    Clicking on the " "
    " button will Add that persons post to a list of posts you want to have in your post. When you click the " "
    " it will turn red " "
    " . When its Red you will have that post in the body of your post. The ORDER that you click on this " "
    " is the Order which you will have the Quotes in your post. You put them in any order that you want as you Red Flag the posts. When your ready to start posting just hit the "Quote" button after your done selecting the posts to be quoted.

    Respond to each quote by looking for the in the text..then start your text after that.

    This should get you going for now. I wish I had more time ( I did wake up an hour early to do this..but I ran out of time. I have to head to work ).

    I will be back with a part two detailing the
    and examples of multiple quoting


    Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. - Khalil Gabran
    AF: 9-10-2013

    How Too - Post like a Pro pt.1

    Thank-you IT guru!
    AF 10/21/2013...ODAT :kudos:


      How Too - Post like a Pro pt.1

      Thank-you! Now, we all have homework!

